Toy - Flamilial L.A.M.P

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TW: Crying

Hey, if it isn't too much of a problem, do you mind leaving some encouraging words for my friend? They're going through a pretty rough time after something that happened with a loved one and i'd love it if you could leave some comforting, encouraging or just overall some nice words. Thank you : )!

The small child, not any older than 4, scurried across the room. He frantically looked behind the couch, under the coffee table and anywhere else he thought it could have been misplaced at. He felt tears prick at the corner of his eyes as he started to give up hope.

Standing in the middle of the room, the child wiped his eyes with the back of his hand from under his black framed glasses. He took in a sharp breath, desperate not to cry as he knew he would be overreacting.

The child checked behind the couch one last time as if the thing most precious to him would have magically appeared.

With no surprise, it didn't.

He sniffled and sat in the corner of the sofa, curling up. He pushed his knees to his chest and buried his face into them, holding himself tightly.

Roman then walked into the room for a glass of water, seeing the young child on the sofa and quickly rushing over to him. He laid a gentle hand on the others back, successfully getting his attention. "Hey, Logan, sweetie what's wrong? What happened?" he asked concernedly.

Logan sniffled once again, drying his eyes only for more tears to fall down his cheeks. "I-I lost...I lost h-him. I can't find him and, a-and..." he managed out, cutting himself off with a quiet sob.

Roman watched the other with sadness, pushing his hair away from his eyes comfortingly. "Maybe he's just hiding. Come on, let's go find him. Maybe your dad put him in the laundry so he can get all clean." He picked the child up and walked him towards his husband, who was in their shared room, folding the load he had just taken out.

Logan hung on to his papa tightly, his small arms wrapped around the others neck. He rested his head on Romans shoulder, watching as his dad came into sight.

"Darling, have you seen Harry around?"

Patton looked up from the small polo shirt, a sad smile resting on his face. "I have, actually." And with that said, he went over and picked up a purple stuffed cat, hand made with a signature patch on the left eye and a lightening bolt on its forearm.

Patton handed it to his son, who took it and hugged the cat close to his chest. He smiled and raked a hand through Logan's hair, "I'm sorry, Lo, I didn't think you would wake up so soon."

Logan leaned into Patton's touch slightly, gradually calming down. "'S okay." he mumbled, his voice soft and calm.

Roman and Patton smiled at one another, happy their son was calm again. "Say, why don't we call and see if your brother wants to come and visit for a few days? He should be out for summer break in a few weeks." Roman suggested.

Logan lit up, his eyes bright and a wide smile plastered on his face. "Yes, please."

The two chuckled, Patton going over to his phone and calling their eldest, Virgil.

Roman took Logan back to the living room, putting on an episode of Bill Nye and making the young one some sliced apples. Handing it to him, he worked on the dishes, smiling at Logan as he talked to the toy excitedly.

I don't if this helped any, but here satansxcoffexhouse

Things will get better.

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