Tree - Creativitwins

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TW: Heights, Mention of the Fear of Heights

also remus but like... i'm conflicted on whether the dark sides should be in tws.

i also don't know if that how you spell the pairing name, but-

"Remus, you little shit, if you fucking leave me here i'm going to kill you!" The usually happy twin shouted against the wind, the tree he had gotten stuck in swaying and only causing him to grip the thick branch tighter.

Remus, on the other hand, was happily planted on the ground, arms crossed and enjoying the view. "Ooh, fun! Tell me all about it, every little detail!" he cackled.

Roman only glared and shuffled slightly to see the ground, eyes widening at the space between himself and the green grass. "Go get someone to help me, you goblin!"

Contemplating it, a sinister grin spread across the dirt covered teen. He giggled and responded with, "No, I don't think I will."

"Excuse me? Um, does this boy need help? Do I need to call someone?" An older woman- around her fifties -asked, having tapped Remus on the shoulder.

Remus only hummed, looking back at his twin with his evil grin still plastered on his face. "No worries. He's perfectly fine. It's just a game we like to play." he reassured, suppressing his laughs for the time being.

"He's lying!"

"All apart of the game, I assure you."

The conflicted woman glanced between the two boys, going to say something before deciding against it and nodded. Taking her leave, she mumbled under her breath.

Roman groaned loudly, "I hate you." he pouted, trying to find a way out without potentially hurting himself. His fear of heights restricting his usually swift movements.

"That is the nicest thing you have ever said to me. Unfortunately, it's almost dinner time. See ya!" Waving, the obnoxious male blew an over dramatic kiss and quickly ran off with, what Roman called, 'Evil Laughter'.

Roman gasped in disbelief, "Remus, wait!" he tried, only to come to a fail.

His twin had left him in a tree.

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