Dont Leave Me

890 32 3

TW: Abandoning, Crying, Begging, Deceit, Unsympathetic Virgil, yolo?

"Com—Come back! Don't you dare leave me here alone!" he yelled, his grip on the wrist of his bestfriend tight and desperate.

"I can't stay here anymore, Deceit." the other said dully, purposefully using the begging sides role name.

Deceit but his quivering lip, hot tears free falling to the floor. "I'm sorry, i'm sorry just don't leave me! Please, don't leave me! I beg of you, Virgil."

Virgil blinked, freeing his hand from Deceits grip. "Don't call me that." he mumbled, walking out of the dark part of the mindscape and into the lightside.

Letting his hand fall, Deceut cried out, pain filling his chest. Anguish tearing his stomach apart.

"Come back...please..."

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