Kisses - Moxiety

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TW: non bitch lol

i haven't don't moxiety in a while. honestly, i don't know who would top in their relationship.

The two boys were criss crosses on Patrons bed, showing eachother affection. Little things mostly. Like kisses on the nose, cheek, lips, forehead, neck, etc. They were holding hands and just staring into each others eyes, as cliche as it sounds.

They really did love eachother. They loved each others flaws and perfections.

Patton booped Virgil's nose, and in response, he sneezed. It was cat like, small and adorable. Patton squealed and tackles Virgil robot a hug.

"You're so fracking adorable, oh my god!" Patton said, kissing Virgil's face.

"N-No! I'm dark and angsty, you're the adorable one!" Virgil flushes, his face redder than Romans sash.

"Awe, you're blushing!" Patton squealed again.

Virgil his his face in his sweater paws, hood up and head down. Patton smiled and removed his hands, giving him a kiss. "You're an adorable dark angsty emo bean."



Virgil groaned and accepted his death.

the end

that's it

that's the story.

sorry it's short, i'm just having a rush of motivation right now. also, yeah, i'm posting a lot, sorry.

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