Deviant - No Ship

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TW: Death, Blood, Swearing, Abuse, Gore, your mom oh gottem 🤪🤪✌🏽🤣🤣

This is a DBH Au (Detroit: Become Human) but they're all different androids. Although i will give them some characteristics of the some of the original characters and some might have the same story lines. eNjOy.

"Do the fucking dishes!" The old man slurred. He was clearly drunk and unable to keep his balance. "Yes, sir." Patton obeyed.

He made his way over to the sink, turning on the water and grabbing the first dish. "Talyn!" The drunk man yelled, angry about something. "Yes daddy?" They said, quickly running down the stairs and to their father as to not keep him waiting. "What the fuck is this?" He pointed to a android mother magazine. "U-Um, nothing d-daddy," They lied, attempting to save themself from the beating.

"Nothing?! It doesn't look like nothing to me! It looks like a magazine for mothers. Which you know you don't deserve." He spat, looking at the child with pure hatred and anger. "Do you know why you don't deserve a mother?"

They nodded their head, which didn't satisfy their drunk father.

"Use your fucking words, Talyn!"

"Y-Yes, daddy, I don't deserve a mother because I killed the last one, It was my fault she died." They responded quickly, wanting to please their father. Which was almost impossible to do.

He glared at the child, anger bubbling inside of him. He quickly stood up and pushed the child to the ground while he shouted at them. Patton watched from the kitchen, his eyes frantic. This feeling He felt, protective?

Patton watched as the alcoholic stepped closer the them, getting ready to hit the poor child.

Suddenly, everything slowed down. He saw a red wall separating him from the scene in front of him. The red wall read 'DO THE DISHES,' but Patton felt the urge to help the child like they were his own.


Patton began to hit on the wall, making it crack a bit.


He punched and kicked as hard as he could, the only thing he was thinking about was Talyn.


He kept hitting the red barrier, desperate to save the child. Until he kicked it, making it shatter.


Patton quickly ran to the stumbling man, pushing him and grabbing Talyn, running up the stairs to their room. "Patton!" The child yelled. Patton smiles at them reassuringly as he locked the door and looked for a way out. They could both hear the angry old man downstairs shouting at them. "YOU FUCKING ROBOT! GET DOWN HERE NOW! THATS AN ORDER!"

But Patton didn't budge. He kept looking for a way out. The window was their only option, so he quickly unlocked it and opened it.

It was storming outside, but he didn't care at the moment. He ushered Talyn through the window, climbing out himself. "Come on, Tal." He picked the child up and put them on his back, sliding down the drain pipe and running as fast as he possibly could. They were free. They were okay.


"Yes, Lieutenant?"

"Test this blue blood."

"On it."

Logan squatted down, taking two fingers and placing them in the liquid. He then licked the substance from his fingers and tested the thirium. The lieutenant looked at him in disgust, "What the actual fuck-" "The blood belongs to model AK600, or better known as Virgil," Logan interrupted, he stood up and analyzed what had happened in the house.

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