IThinkILoveYou - (Logince)

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Triggers: My writing, Gay shit, A MCR loving boi, Logan, and a hint of moxiety (romantic)

It was early after noon when Logan was curious about something almost nobody knows about.


Nobody understands love like Patton, or Morality, does. He's the heart for crying out loud! He knows more about love than any of the Sides combined! That's why Logan went to him for advice.

"What is love?" He asked with no warning at all. Patton jumped at the sudden voice and chuckled, "You scared me kiddo! Come again?" "What is love?" Logan repeated, eager to get the answer.

"Well, depends on what type of love you are talking about, kiddo," He said, giving Logan a curious look. "I just want to know what love is, Patton"

"Oh, well," He started, "Platonic love is the feeling you get when you see somebody you love. You feel happy, energetic, excited. Like how I am towards you and Roman. Romantic love is the feeling you get when you see the one person you love most. The person who makes your heart speed up, the person who makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside! Like Virgil does to me," He concluded, smiling while looking of into the distance. Probably thinking of Virgil.

"Thank you, Patton," Logan says while turning on his heels and leaving. He was walking down the hall when he reached the door. The door of his crush, no, love. The red door with a golden handle.

He heard Disney songs being sung by a beautiful voice on the other side of the door. He smiled to himself and listened for another minute or two.

When he decided it was the right time, he knocked. The music stopped and the door swung open. "Logan! What can I do for you?" He asked, his prince like accent making Logan's heart beat faster than it already was. "I-uh...I" He stuttered. Weird, he doesn't usually stutter. At all.

"Are you alright, Logan?" The creative side asked, clear concern laced in his voice. "I-I'm alright...I just...I just need to ask you something."

"Go on"
"Um...I-I think...I"
Rip the bandaid off Logan!

"E-Rxcuse me?"
"I...think I l-love you.."

"I love you too..."

I know
Sucky ending


Hey, two chapters in one day? Pretty cool dude....

I'll go



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