November 3rd

836 37 14

TW: Crying, Remus

happy belated birthday logan!

i know i'm late, but i can't not write something for my favorite character!

Remus bounded towards the logical sides room. Today was like any other day. He'd go and annoy the usual stoic faced man, nothing out of the ordinary. Except when he knocked on the door, it took a bit longer for the other to answer, causing Remus to grow slightly concerned. Not that he was counting or anything.

When he finally did open the door, Remus was surprised to see the others face blotchy and red. Tears threatening to fall.

"Are you looking for assistance, Remus?" Logan managed out, voice croaky and tired.

The side in question snapped out of his concerned daze and walked in uninvited, pulling the other into a tight hug. "What happened, Lo?"

Logan tried to stay collected, not wanting to be seen as vulnerable around the one he so admired. But in the end, he failed to do so and broke.

Sobbing, Logan explained hoarsely, unable to contain the tears in his eyes. "They forgot...They always forget and- and I'm sick of it!"

Remus raked a hand through his hair, confused. "Forgot what, Lo? What'd they forget?"

He sniffled and wiped his eyes, pulling away from the hug and pointing to the calendar.

"Today is my birthday."

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