Cookies - Logicality

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TW: none cause it's...logicality.

"Logan, wake up!"

Said side groaned, turning away from the sweet voice trying to disturb his slumber. Today was not the day. "Come on Logan. We have to bake cookies for Christmas!" Patton almost squealed in excitement. His cookies were well known around the mind this time of year. Everyone was expecting to get one, just like last year.

Logan opened his eyes slightly, blinking to rid of the sleep blindness. He reached for his glasses, which Patton generously gave to him after multiple times of slapping the desk next to his bed. The logical one sat up, turning to look at his boyfriend, "There's always next year."

Patton pouted, "Come on, Lo! Everyone's so excited for the cookies, we can't let them down!" Logan face in and got out of bed, stretching and getting ready for the long, long day ahead of him. He did have to admit, a day alone with Patton was always an amazing day.

Virgil and Roman went to the Imagination to look over the kingdom, it was their turn anyway. They're probably arguing over who gets to look out for the forest and who gets to stay at the castle.

The two males went to the kitchen, the baking stuff already out and ready to go. Patton may have been a bit early on waking up in time to bake the cookies.

"Yeah, I woke up a bit too early. But hey, at least we don't have to waste time finding everything!" Patton explained, smiling at the other side. Logan smiles back, he couldn't help it, his boyfriends smile was contagious to anyone. Even Deciet.

They made their way towards the kitchen, getting stuff ready for the cookie dough. "Do you mind spraying the cookie pan so the cookies don't stick?" Patton asked. "Of course, Love."

After everything was set up and organized, they began to mess with the dough, messaging it and rolling it until it was warm. "I wanna make a Christmas tree!"

Logan smiles at his boyfriends excitement. He always did get excited this time of the year.

After they finished the first batch, they but into the oven, starting another batch as they wait.

Logan began to space out, thinking of his lover. The way he always smiled, even when something was wrong. The way he could make anybody laugh. Patton was just all around perfect to Logan. Even his imperfections were perfect. For example, the way he always bites at his bottom lip when nervous or lying. Logan adored his love. And nothing could change-

"Ha! I got you!" Patton said, victory and happiness filling his voice. Logan was confused until he processed what happened. Flour covered his face and glasses. The tall side smiled mischievously, grabbing a handful of his own flour. "You sure did get me sure did." "See, I actually thought you were gonna dodge it, but then you seemed to be spacing out so-" Patton stopped his ranting when white powder met his face.

He smiled and laughed, "Oh, it's on!"

The two boyfriends battled. Making a mess of the kitchen, but they didn't care. They didn't care about anything at that moment.

After the two finished they cleaned up the kitchen and finished baking. They both went to the living room, laying on the couch and cuddling. Logan kisses to top of a sleeping Pattons head. He was glad he got up this morning.

Soon enough, Logic fell asleep. Morality at his chest and in his arms.

He absolutely adored making cookies with his partner.


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