Pirates? - Logicality

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TW: Cursing, Kidnapping, pIrAtEs!

Requested by @LoSanders

Logan, a very well known astronomer, lived in a small village by the Pacific Ocean. He had a tiny hut by the beach, he would always come out at night and look at the stars through his telescope, studying them. He would right down constellations and sometimes, if he was feeling good, would try and draw what he saw in the stars.

Sometimes he would see his mother, who died when he was a small child. And other times he would see fantasies, such as pirates. Everyone adored him for how smart he is and how he helps the village. He taught little children as well.

One night, as Logan was studying, he looked at the ocean, the waves relaxing him and the moon shining on the light blue water, making it sparkle. He smiled a small smile, he loved the ocean. As he was looking at the water, he saw a shadow of something, something that resembled a boat. Logan squinted his eyes, trying to get a better look at what the shadow was. And it was indeed a boat. Logan was confused, but he left it as his mind playing tricks on him for lack of sleep.

He packed up, and went to bed.

~ Time Skip ~

It was morning, specifically 7 am. Logan woke up, but he wasn't in his tiny hut. He was..on a boat? No, a ship?! Logan was indeed confused. Very confused. He wasn't tied to anything, but he didn't have anything to protect himself with either. Everything was in his hut. He looked around, noticing a few barrels of fish and ropes everywhere. The ships flag was a....rainbow? Not what he expected.

Then he heard footsteps.

Logan panicked and froze. He was scared. He didn't know what was going on or how he got on the ship, but he did know that he wanted off and in his comforting bed in his warm, tiny hut!

The footsteps gradually got louder and soon came a man. A very tall man. About 6'3. He had a velvet pirates hat, the ones you see in the movies, but, you know, velvet. He also had a white coat with a rainbow sash around it. The sash had white words reading "A very gay captain!"

The man also had black boots along with white pants. He basically only wore white. His undershirt was black though.

"Greetings stranger! Looks like you just woke up!" He said, in a very loud and excited voice, "I'm Captain Rrrrrroman! Haha, but you can just call me Roman!"

He seemed...annoying.

Then came another person. This one was short. 5'8 at the most. He wore a purple, long-sleeved shirt with white stripes. He also had a black eye patch, his other eye had black eyeshadow though. He wore black boots and black pants. The short male also had a hoodie in his hands. He looked as though he wore it constantly considering how pale he was.

"God damnit Roman! You're so fucking loud!" He said, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Well, Virgil, maybe you should start getting use to it! 'Cause I ain't changing for you!" He said teasingly. They seemed to have a teasing relationship.

"Virgil! What did I say about you cussing like that!"

"Sorry Pat.." Virgil grumbled, walking away and putting his hoodie on.

Another male, I assume is Pat, showed up as well. He was...adorable, to say the least. He had a light blue t-shirt with some black shorts. He had rainbow shoes and black bulky glasses.

His face was absolutely stunning.

Freckles littered his cheeks and his eyes were a light shade of blue, resembling the ocean. His hair was a wavy fluff on top of his head. Light brown. His smile could make anyone smile with him. Even Logan.

"Hiya! I'm Patton! But you can call me Pat! You look happy! What's got you in a good mood?"

Logan didn't even notice he was slightly smiling. He was too busy looking at Patton.

"Um...I- uh...well," Logan stuttered. He couldn't even think correctly.

"Oh! Hey friendo! Glad to see you up! We got an adventure today!"

"Yeah..hopefully this moron doesn't crash the ship again," Virgil said, pointing his thumb at Roman.

"Be nice, kiddo! Roman tried his best!" Patton said sternly, eyes turning towards Virgil and Roman.

"Anyways, welcome aboard! Roman's the captain around here. Me and Virgil help around the ship a lot. But, we need a couple more hands," Patton looked at Logan's hands, "and it looks like you got the job!"

Logan was confused, job?

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Job? No, I have get back to my hut! I need to go back home!"

Patton looked confused as well. "But...you're on the ship...you must want the job...right?"

"No! I was kidnapped! I was taken! I didn't even know pirates existed!" Logan yelled, now pacing around and trying to think of a way off the boat and back home.


"Hehe...hey Patton~"


"Hey! Don't look at me! I tried to stop the guy, but noooo! His giant ego got in the way of his fuc- fricking brain!"

Patton glared at Roman, he looked like an angry, disappointed dad. No matter how adorable he is, he was kind of scary.

"Roman, may I speak to you...privately please"

"Um...of c-course padre!"

Logan looked over at Virgil and saw that he was trying to hold in a laugh. His face was red and his hand was covering his mouth.

Roman and Patton left and Virgil burst out laughing.

"Oh god! That's hilarious!"

Soon enough Virgil had calmed down.

"We'll take you back home after Romans done dying," he reassured Logan. Logan nodded and sighed. This was going to be an adventure...

I'm in a good mood today :)

Sorry it's REALLY bad but...I had to get something out


I'm watching vines and...yeah.



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