Fiction - Demus

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TW: Mentions of Love, Descriptions of Love Not Being Real, adult swim lol not really i'm just watching adult swim

been awhile yes?

if you're still up, go to sleep. if you can't sleep, sign some blm petitions and then go to sleep.

also, look at my doggy! i love him 🥺

Love is complicated. We all know that. Everybody's experience is different, whether that be with heart eyes or without. It's almost always confusing. Is it really love? Or is it simply a temporary crush?

Who's to say. Nobody really knows. The book, the movies, the fiction. It's all just that, fiction. There is no love at first sight and there are no soulmates.

Love isn't real.

In a scientific explanation, yes, love does indeed exist. But the way everyone seems to portray it, its just not possible.

Janus knew this. He gave up on trying to find it. Really, what's the point indulging in unrealistic expectations? To put it simply, he just doesn't care about anyone anymore.

At least, he didn't

Remus found him online. They talked and grew closer. Janus liked him, of course he did. The unfiltered man was a good friend, how could he not? Although he did have his moments of annoyance, Janus wouldn't have it any other way. The two were constantly teasing and play fighting. Calling each other names was normal and calling the other out was as well. They were unbreakable, inseparable yet miles apart.

Then the day finally came. Remus had flown out to meet him for the first time. Janus was nervous yet oddly excited. He knew this man was a real person, they called and even video called. They often even ran tests on each other to see if they were real, getting the other to put weird things in even weirder places for fun.

The gloved man tapped his foot as he waited with a sign reading the others name.

And then he saw him. A shorter man with green strands of hair and a very uniquely chosen outfit. He looked rough but that was to be expected after a long plane ride.

There were no butterflies and there was no rapidly beating heart.

Just two large smiles, a shriek and a big hug.

Janus still didn't believe in love. But he did believe in his now best friend.

And that's more than enough for him.

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