Just Stop (Moxiety)

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Triggers: Phonophobia (fear of loud noises), Panic Attack (ik very cliché), thunderstorms, My will to live.

It was a cloudy day, Virgil was a little anxious because he has Phonophobia, a fear of loud noises. He slips into a panic attack every time he hears something loud. He has a certain point of loudness that triggers his phobia.

In this case, it's thunder storms. (The severity of his panic attack is determined by how loud the noise is). Logan was stuck in his room, working. Roman was in the bathroom, checking himself out. Patton was the only one who was in the living room.

He was watching tv while the others were in their rooms and the bathroom.

As the day went on, the cloud got darker. It started raining and Virgil didn't like that. When rain came, so did thunder, and with thunder, came loud noises.

The first bolt of lighting lit up Virgil's room. He looked out the window in fear, knowing what's about to come next.

BOOM! (Crack? Idek.)


Virgil jumped like a cat when startled. He quickly ran to the living room where Patton was. When he reached the living room, Patton was standing up. He looked panicked.

Patton was about to run upstairs to Virgil's room. He knew about his phobia, unlike everyone else. "Are you alright?!" Patton asked, concerned. "N-No It's to l-lou-" but before he could finish, another sound of thunder came.

As the sound came, Virgil's hands automatically covered his ears, trying to block out the sound. Virgil was crying, shaking, curled into a ball. You know, fucking panicking!

Patton rushed over to help the boy who was in a ball at his spot during a Sander Sides video. Virgil was short and small. He didn't eat because, well, Depression.

So, he was very light. The loving dad side picked up the younger and walked over to the couch. Virgil's was trying to break free, clearly not wanting Physical Contact. But Patton had to do something, even though he was making it worse.

Another sound of lightening came. Virgil stopped struggling and covered his ear once again.

Patton made it to the coach and sat down, Anxiety still in his arms. They cuddled.

Virgil eventually fell asleep along with Patton.






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