Deviant (pt. 2) - No Ship

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TW: Mentions Of Murder and Abuse, Anxiety, stealing an arm without permission

Patton and Talyn walked along the street of Detroit. It was dark and lightly raining. They haven't found shelter yet, and Patton was afraid of Talyn getting sick. They had no access to medicine and they couldn't go to a hospital.

They eventually found an unfinished building. They decided that it would work until they found something better. Patton pulled his jacket off and covered Talyn, who payed on the pavement, trying their best to fall asleep.

Patton had to change his appearance or they'll be caught. He thought about it for a minute, if he changed his hair and eye color, and maybe get an accessory of some sort, he should be good. So, Patton changed his hair color from pure white to brown and his eye color from green to brown as well.

He would look for an accessory later, when they were safe. Patton smiles down at the sleeping child. He knew Talyn didn't like being called a girl, or a boy for that matter. He accepted that. Like a father should.

Patton thought back to the wall. That experience was...insane. The flood of emotions he felt overwhelmed him. He felt sadness, anxiety, love and anger. Patton was confused and he did not like it. He was use to someone telling him what to do, not him making his own decisions! He had no idea what he was doing.

He had to care for a child, a child! He may be a housekeeping android, but he was most certainly not a caregiver. He looked back to Talyn, they slept soundly, peacefully. Like nothing bad has ever happened to them. Patton loved it. He smiled and laid down, finally falling asleep.

Logan sat in his office, thinking. When he saw the deviant get hit with the chair while reconstructing, he couldn't help but feel...sympathy? No, he was an android sent by CyberLife, he couldn't feel things. It's not in his program. Logan was confused, he was never confused, which confused him more.

He was most certainly not a deviant, nor will he ever become one. His instructions tell him everything he needs to do and he follows it. No questions asked.

But he still felt bad. Despite the fact that the android murdered the man, it was self defense. Until he kept stabbing of course. Logan never really understood deviants. They felt things, emotions. Sadness, anger, happiness, sympathy.

No. Damian specifically told him to catch deviants, not become one of them.

Logan rubbed his face, now was not the time to deal with this. He had to focus. Accomplish Mission.

Virgil shot up, hitting his head on the cars roof. Although he didn't feel pain, he still rubbed his head. Virgil groaned and opened the car door quietly, not wanting to attract attention to himself. To keep himself safe, Virgil changed his hair to a fake shade of purple and his eye color from blue to a dark brown. He changed his clothes and headed off.

He kept alert, scanning everyone who crossed his path. He was not about to be destroyed.

Virgil picked up his speed, just the though alone got him anxious. A new feeling, he's never experienced this before. Saying he was scared is an understatement.

Five police officers were hanging up a flyer on the streets lamppost. He quickly hid his face and hid. He waited for the officers to leave. As he was backing up to hide himself more, he hit a trash can, knocking it over and making a loud crash. The police looked over in Virgil's direction. He held his breath as they came over to investigate.

One of them looked right at him. They looked him in the eyes. But they didn't see him.

"It's probably just a stray. Come on, we have to finish these flyers," One of them said, walking away. The others followed her.

When they finally finished and drove away, Virgil came out from his hiding spot. He went up to the flyers and saw his face. His heart, or his biocomponent, dropped. Metaphorically of course. He was being hunted.

Ak600 (Virgil) Wanted For Murder Of Charles Tuttle. $50M Prize.

Virgil began to tear the flyers down, throwing them in the trash. He was not going to die.

A bright light blinded him. He blinked, regaining his vision, but it was glitching. Static and glitches covered his right eye. He needed a new one. He slowly stood up, Trying to move both of arms. But he only had one, he looked down and saw that his skin was torn and his 'true skin' was showing. Half his face was gone.

He looked around, it seemed like he was in the android dump. He was destroyed? They destroyed him? Roman remembered what had happened before he got shot.

Sadness and guilt consumed him. He was surprised, these new feelings were, well new. He didn't know how to control them or contain them. Roman looked around, wanting to find spare body parts. Some of the androids in the dump were still working, calling out to him and asking for help. Others weren't moving. "Please! Please, help me! I need spare parts. I need to get out of here!" Roman scanned him, he needed a new arm. This android was the only one around who's arm would work for him.

Roman stoped towards the broken droid. "Please help me!" He pleaded, eye's filled with fear. Romans eyes softened. "I'm sorry."

He ripped the droids arm off, placing it in his empty slot. The droid looked at him with disappointment. Roman apologizes once again and left, he didn't have time, he needed to get out.

Roman found all of the spare parts he needed and left, making sure to look out for guards.

Roman made it out of the dump and into the streets of Detroit. Roman felt happy or excited, he didn't know. But he liked the new feeling.

pretty sure this is shorter than last chapter, sorry about that. lol.

anywho, the story will get interesting soon, i promise!

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