Broken Promise - Logince

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TW: Swearing, Crying, Suicide, uh....a window

bandaids are cool.

"I don't want you to go! Please, I'll do whatever you want, just don't go!" Logan cried to Roman as he packed his stuff. He got accepted into the military, meaning he has to go to war. "I-I'm sorry, Lo. I have to do this!" Roman responded, tears littering his face.

"No, you can stay! You can stay with me and we can wake up together and go to sleep together! We can start a family soon!" As convincing as that sounds, Roman knew he had to go. "I'm sorry."

Logan was angry to say the least.

He beat on the other mans chest, sobbing and yelling at him. Roman took it, he knew the Logan was hurting, as was he.

"I promise I'll come back, Love. I promise you'll be back in my arms soon, as i will be back in yours," Roman reassured the sobbing man, holding him close to his chest. "Listen, it's beating. you'll hear that again, Love."




"He was a son, brother, friend, husband. He was a loving man, someone who cared for others. Tonight we say goodbye."

Logan didn't go to the funeral. Instead, he stayed home, waiting for Roman to come back. He knew. He was the first to know. But he won't accept it, he's not dead, no. He promised that he would come back. Roman would never break a promise.

Logan looked out the window, the sky was cloudy, sun was starting to show though. Maybe that's a sign. Everything will get better.

But he knew better. This is reality. Shit like that doesn't happen.

So, with that thought in mind, he gave up.

"you broke your promise"

and he pulled the trigger.

have a little, uh, Logince angst yeah?

lmao this is terrible.

anywho, i think i'll be posting a bit today. if not then, i'm probably dead? who knows.

okay, b y e

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