Virgil?! - Platonic Analogical

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this is gonna be very short lol. if you saw Thomas' recent insta story, you'd get it. also: I GOT FUCKING TRENCH ON CD. (pic uptop)

"Virgil? Virgil?! Why is he never around when i'm around?! Virgil!" Logan yelled, trying to find his friend, wanting his opinion on how he looked. They were shooting a new SS video. Meanwhile, Virgil was keeping his streak of avoiding Logan. Not that he disliked Lo, no of course not! It was just funny to see Logan get frustrated.


Virgil chuckled as he heard Logan call his name from downstairs. It's been 21 days since the first time he started this. He hasn't lost his streak yet.

"Come on, Virgil! Just tell me how I look!"

He couldn't help but laugh loudly, giving Logan a hint as to where he is. Logan began his way upstairs, smile on his face. "Oh Virgil! I heard you laugh, just give me your opinion and we'll pretend like this never happened!"


It was faint, but it was there. Logan began to walk towards the place he thought the sound was. Turns out he was right. Logan opened the closet to a chuckling Virgil, his hand over his mouth, hiding his adorable smile.

"Finally!" Virgil complained, "You took forever!"




"no, you were the one hiding!"



"NO!" Logan screeched, not wanting to play Virgil's games.

"NO!" Virgil mocked.


"told you.."

"wAIT NO-"

oof, cringe.

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