Party & Cuddles - Sleepxiety

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TW: Insomnia, Swearing

requested by the AmAzInG @maxiedox

let's do this boys! or girls. or they.

let's do this you!

It was Christmas time. Everything was decorated in all the festive colors and the atmosphere was warm and comfortable. Everyone was coming to visit causing the other sides to be very excited.

Except for Virgil.

He didn't know any of the other sides besides the Dark Sides and Deceit. Virgil didn't actually know what they were, because they weren't necessarily sides.

He'll figure out eventually.

"Oh my goodness! Remy and Emile are coming over! Yes, yes, yes!!" Roman screamed, clearly excited. Patton smiled at him, "Did Remy text you? They did say they might not make it."

"Yes, actually. See!"

Pattons eyes lit up with excitement, "This will be very, very fun!"

On the other hand, Logan did not look amused. "Does Remy have to come? He's like a second Roman but...more Roman." His face scrunched up, showing his annoyance.

"Don't be rude, Lo! He'll make the party fun!"

"Party?" Virgil asked. He didn't know anything about a party. He just thought it'd be a simple hangout. He'd meet these new people, talk for a minute and lock himself upstairs until everyone left! He did not plan for a party.

"Oh, did we not tell you? Well, Kiddo, every year we host a Christmas party! A lot of people in Thomas' brain come and have a good time!"

Holy Jesus, Virgil had to find an outfit, He needed to re-dye his hair, Practice talking to new people, figure out his makeup look-

"You okay, Vee?" Roman asked.

"...Meet me in my room asap," Virgil said before running upstairs and gathering all of the clothes and makeup supplies he had.

Only a minute later did Roman show up. Virgil's room was a complete disaster! Clothing was everywhere!

"I need you to help me with my outfit, makeup, hair and literally everything else. Please!"

Roman smirked, "Of course you Emo Nightmare!"


After Roman finished, he looked at Virgil, proud of the work he's done. "I made you look so fabulous, oh my god!" He gushed.

Virgil rolled his eyes, looking in the mirror. He wore a dark purple crop top with fishnets under, a leathery black skirt with black tights and his usual black and white converse.

His make up was absolutely stunning. His eyes consisted of black and purple, making a beautiful smokey eyes with winged, black eyeliner and a bit of sparkle if you look hard enough.

"Ready to re-due your hair?" Roman asked after Virgil thanked him.



During the dyeing process, Virgils hair was a bright shade of blonde. He kind of like it, even if it was the 'stereotypical emo'. "Do you think we can leave it like this?" He asked Roman, who in turn nodded his head with a smile.

"I did so good, like, i'm not even kidding. I should quit my job and become a fashion designer, no?"

"You don't have a job, Roman. You're a side."

"Your point being?"


People began to show up. Patton set out some desserts while Roman and Logan attempted to make punch. Key word: attempted. Deceit was trying to stop the two from hurting eachother while Virgil sat and watched. He loved his family.

After a while, everyone was at the mind palace. Roman turned it into this night club looking thing while leaving the coach and kitchen. The DJ, who ended up being Logan, had everyone on the dance floor.

Virgil has yet to see this Remy everyone was talking about.


That must be them considering everyone's head turned and they all began to cheer.

This person better be interesting.


Remy walked into the palace, seeing everyone dancing and over all having a good time. They made it their mission to make everyone have fun, even if they don't feel like it.

Remy began to dance with everybody, Emile and Patton gushing over their respective boyfriends. Remy made finger guns at Logan, who looked at him with pure annoyance but welcomed him nonetheless.

Then he saw Virgil.

As he got closer, he good pin point every sign of insomnia. The black eye bags he attempted to cover, the lazy eyelids, his tired posture. His whole being screamed "I need sleep somebody fucking knock me out"!

"Hey babes, you look tired as fuck!" Remy yelled over the music.

Virgil looked up, this person was extremely attractive.

"Oh yeah? What gave it away." He responds sarcastically, he honestly wasn't in the mood. As excited as he was about the party, it ended up being too loud and overly crowded. A headache was certain.

"Well firstly, your attitude. Secondly, literally everything about you screams you haven't slept in days! Come on honey, I'll help you out!"

Virgil looked at the outstretched hand in front of him, not really trusting this person. But if Patton likes them, then they can't be that bad, right?

Hesitantly, Virgil took his hand. Remy smirked, leading him upstairs to where Virgil pointed towards his room. Once there, Virgil soundproofed the room and plopped on the bed, snapping his fingers and putting himself in something more comfortable. A long white Tee and boxers.

"Mind handing me a makeup wipe?" He asked lazily. Remy turned towards the desk behind him, immediately finding the wipes. "Here, babes." "Thanks."

After his makeup was off Virgil patted the spot next to him. "Lay down and tell me how you're gonna help me."

"Well, I'm Sleep, first name Remy. You must be Anxiety, or Virgil."


"Damn, grumpy asshole."

"Not grumpy, just my daily mood."

Remy chuckled and layer next to Virgil. He may not have known the male for long, but he can tell the two will get along just fine. Remy put his hand in Virgils hair, playing with it.

Remy pulled the covers over him, while pulling him closer to themself. Virgil cuddled up to them, resting his head on Remys chest and slightly spooning the other.

Tonight couldn't have been better.

this was terribly rushed and not exactly what i wanted, but i HAD to get something out.

Anywho, thanks for the request! I'm sorry if this was a disappointment, but me too.

alr, see ya!

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