Don't Save Me - (Prinxiety)

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Triggers: Suicide, Cutting, Blood, Pill swallowing, and yeah.....angsty shit. (Yeah, I realized I messed up on the note so...yeah)

Don't save me. I'm meant to be gone. I'm meant to be alone. I'm meant to be dead. You're wasting your time trying to save an already dead body. I'll be gone by the time you see this, I'm not sorry for leaving, but I am sorry for living. I'm sorry for being a burden, I'm sorry for being annoying, I'm sorry for being mean, I'm sorry for being me. Now, it's not your fault, it's mine. My choice. Don't blame yourself. It's okay. Besides, it's best that I go and you stay. I love you, forever and always. Remember that. Don't forget it. Please, keep living and be happy. For me. It's my time to go. I'm sorry. You didn't do any wrong. I did. I love you... -Roman

After the once happy side finished writing his note, he put on some comfortable clothes and snuck into Virgil's room. He quickly looked for Virgil's old razor (he used way back before 'Accepting Anxiety') before he got caught. He finally found the black, purple and grey shoe box under the bed. He opened it and smiled.

A genuine smile.

A real smile.

Once he grabbed the silver object, he made his way back to his room. Once there, he grabbed the orange bottle filled with white, blocky pills.

Just swallow and slice. Thats it. That's all you have to do.

So, he made his way to his warm, cozy bed.

Romans POV

Once in bed, I grabbed the tools I need from my bedside table and left a purple rose for Virgil, my boyfriend. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't love him. I'm not meant to be here.

Just a burden.

Just a narcissist.

Just annoying.

That's all I am. That's all I'll ever be, well, would have ever been.

Bad idea! Don't do it! Somebody save me!

Do it.

So, I grabbed the blade and the pills. I conjured up some water and dumped at least 12 pills into my hand and swallowed them. They went down my throat harshly and felt rough it.

After, I quickly grabbed the razor, cutting deeply into my right arm. I switched hands and shakily pressed as hard as I possibly could. I felt nothing. Sadly.

I laid down, feeling fuzzy, free, numb...

bad idea.....BAD IDEA!!! I WANT TO LIVE!! Please....let me live...I regret...I REGRET! VIRGIL!

And everything went black...


Part 2? Want one...or...nah?

Whatever lol.

Part 2 would most likely be in Virgil's perspective. K? K.



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