Demon & Reaper - Eventual Prinxiety/Logicality

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TW: Blood & Death

This is basically a Black Butler Au but mostly focusing on the reaper world, lmao.

"Why her?"

"It's her time."

"But she's just a kid!"

"It's your job, Virgil! Do it before I permanently take your scythe."

"Come on Logan! She's only 6!"



Virgil lifted his scythe in the air, wondering why her time was cut short. She was only a child, what could Death possibly want with her? As his hands came down, the reaper closed his eyes, not wanting to see the blood pour from her stomach.

Once he opened them, pictures began to flash in his mind. Her life. He saw her playing with her parents, he saw her dancing with her friends. He saw every aspect of her life as if it was a movie. Once it was over, he took the girl and cleaned her up, not wanting her parents to see the horrifying sight of their bloody child.

"Happy?" Virgil said sarcastically. "No, not really. Now there's a 73 year old women down the street. Her time is up." Logan spoke. He was the head reaper, right below Death himself. He makes sure all of the other reapers were doing their jobs. He also keeps track of who's time is up.

"Well, lets get going."


"You're dinner is ready, Master."

"Thanks, RoRo!! And what did I tell you about calling me Master? You can call me Patton!"

"Of course."

Roman sat the plate full of food in front of his master. As he did so, the young males eyes followed the plate. "Ooh, spaghetti!" He beamed. Roman smiles brightly, proud of himself for making his master happy. "Enjoy" He bowed.

"So, I was thinking of making a new toy that's like, really big, but really soft, y'know? And kids all over the world can enjoy it! What do you think?" The young lord asked his butler, who, of course, told him it was a splendid idea.

"I will call the factory and make sure they get your blueprints. I see you've already made them." Roman chuckled. Patton looked away sheepishly, crossing his arms over his chest like a child. "I was excited okay?" The tall man smiled, giggling a bit.

"As am I."

yo, i know it's like, really fucking short, but i want to know what you  think of the idea before i do anything else. so, let me know bby!

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