Growing Up - Roman x Logan x Virgil

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TW: Mentions of Past Parents Death, Mentions of Being Alone, Mentions of Bullying

The married couple stood in front of their adopted five year old son. He had his small suitcase behind him, looking at the two curiously. He was shy and didn't really talk much, but the two men knew that that simply was true.

"He's had some emotional trauma in the past. His mother died of cancer and his father couldn't finically take care of him. Sad deal. He's been alone ever since, every foster parent he's had sent him back a couple days after getting him. He got kicked out of the last foster system, something about punching a kid. I think he did it for a good reason." The lady explained to Logan, stepping him out of the room as the other two stared at eachother.

Logan looked at her sadly, he was determined to keep his child happy and safe. "Thank you." The lady nodded, walking off and waving a goodbye as the new family walked to the car. Virgil couldn't stop staring at Logan's husband, Roman for some odd reason. It was kind of making Roman uncomfortable.

"What's up little guy?" Roman asked, kneeling down to the kids level.

"...Are you a prince?" Roman was surprised by his question, not really sure how to answer. Sure, he worked as Prince Eric at Disney World, but he wasn't a real prince, but he also didn't want to upset the kid.

"You could say that."

Virgil's eyes widened a bit, a smile forming on his face, "Awesome."

Roman smiled, looking up at Logan, who was also smiling.


Virgil was now ten, he was running around with his best friend, Patton who's parents, Emile and Remy, were talking to Roman and Logan about adult stuff. "Got you Vee!" Patton yelled, touching Virgil's back and instantly running away. Virgil came to a stop, smirk plastered on his face as he began to chase the other boy.

As they were running around, Patton tripped and fell, making Virgil, who was close by, trip over him. The two friends sat for a moment, the pain of the bruise they were going to have starting to get to them.

Both parents came running into the kitchen, seeing the two sat there crying, hugging eachother.

Emile bent down and picked up Patton, quietly shushing him while Remy looked at his knee. Logan and Roman did the same, Logan holding him. "Don't touch it! Don't touch it!" Virgil told his Dad. Roman looked at him, a playful smile on his face. "You are so strong, Vee! You survived a pretty bad fall! Hercules couldn't even survive that!"

Virgil's smile came back, "Really?"



Virgil being sixteen was, harder than expected. He was so...edgy. "Hello, Virgil! Mind helping me with-" "No can do Pops, me and Pat are going to a concert tonight. If that's alright with you?" He interrupted, not seeing the slight hurt that crossed Logan's face.

"If your father thinks it's alright, than i think so as well. Just keep your phone on vibrate and answer our calls. Don't go to any sketchy places and stay with Patton." He ordered. Virgil smiled at him. "I love you, Pop."

"I love you too, Virge."


Virgil had a family of his own now. He just graduated college and is now in the tattoo parlor down the road. He's married to a wonderful man named Declan and has a child of his own. As does Patton, with a wonderful husband and two kids.

The tree children were chasing each other around the house, reminding Logan and Roman of when Patton and Virgil would do the same.

The once five year old, shy, bullied kid was now helping his own child with a scrape.

The married couple was proud of their son.

Roman and Logan looked down at the small child. "He's perfect."


this is really bad lol

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