Hey Beautiful - Logince

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TW: fLuFfY

sorry i've been gone for a bit. school got wild and motivation just left the chat. but it's back so-

"Hey beautiful~" Roman said to the stranger in front of him, who was currently working on a project on their laptop. The stranger looked up at him, unimpressed. Roman still held his smirk though.


Roman sat down in the booth, uninvited but he didn't really care. This boy was cute and he was determined to date him! "I think you're pretty cute, mind going out with me?" Roman winked. The other looked bored, this was going to be tough.

"Can I have your name first?" They said, sarcasm dripping from their mouth. Figuratively, of course. "Roman. Roman García, at your service! And you are?" He introduced, taking the strangers hand in his and kissing the back of it.

"Logan Night."

Romans smirk never faltered, annoying Logan.

"Now will you go out with me?"


Roman frowned, he's never really been rejected. Well, except for that one emo kid, but they were friends, it didn't count. "But why?" "Because I do not feel like getting up. So, either leave or let me get to know you." Logan stated simply, closing his laptop and looking Roman in the eye.

The flirtatious man smiled, striking up a conversation.

tHiS bItCh SuCkS, YeEt!

alright, i know this is like, not good and stuff, but i have to get something out. I swear, i'm working on something with somebody so like...yeet

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