Don't Save Me 2 - (Prinxiety)

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Triggers: Amnesia, Crying, Sadness, Screaming, umm....yeah...swearing too.

Virgil had went to help Thomas with a video. He came back to see his boyfriend.

Virgil's POV

After helping Thomas with the video, I got back into the mind and made my way down the hall. I went to my room to look for Roman, nothing. I decided to check his room. Until I ran into Patton.

"Hey Kiddo! Whatcha doin'?" He asked, happy as always. "Looking for Roman. Seen him?" "Come to think of it, I haven't seen him all morning" "oh..?" "Have you checked his room?" He asked. "I was just about too," I replied, Sorry building up inside. No, he wouldn't do that. He told me he was happy. Right?

I gave Patton a small reassuring smile, and went off to find Roman.


After a run in with Deceit, I finally managed to get to Romans room. I walked in and saw nothing. Literally nothing. White walls, no posters, plain bed, no decorations. No nothing. No Roman.

Panic filled my mind as I walked around his room, looking everywhere. Anything. Anything to let me know he's alive. Something. And I found a crown. A single crown. His crown. When a trait - or side - dies, they leave behind something that represents what they are known for. Like for Patton, a heart (not a real one). And in this case...A crown.

Tears spilled as I took the crown in hand. He left me...he fucking left me. As I stared at the crown, silently crying, everything began to spin. My vision became blurry with tears and I fell to my knees. No...h-he's alive....he HAS to be alive! I tightened my grip on the crown in a sad attempt to break it. As I did so, I began to scream. Scream from frustration, anger, sadness, panic, and so much more.

More tears spilled as I tried to stop myself from shaking. Breath. I held the crown to my chest. No no no no no....he's alive....he's here, he'll show up and we can cuddle and watch movies and eat cookies together. We can kiss, we can hug, we can love each other. (Don't be nasty) it's okay....he's alive.

After a little bit of tears, screams, and false reassurance, I finally noticed the note.

It had a purple rose attached. I shakily stood up and made my way over to it.

Don't save me. I'm meant to be gone. I'm meant to be alone. I'm meant to be dead. You're wasting your time trying to save an already dead body. I'll be gone by the time you see this, I'm not sorry for leaving, but I am sorry for living. I'm sorry for being a burden, I'm sorry for being annoying, I'm sorry for being mean, I'm sorry for being me. Now, it's not your fault, it's mine. My choice. Don't blame yourself. It's okay. Besides, it's best that I go and you stay. I love you, forever and always. Remember that. Don't forget it. Please, keep living and be happy. For me. It's my time to go. I'm sorry. You didn't do any wrong. I did. I love you... -Roman

As I read the letter, more tears fell. Some making their way on the paper. My body began to shake and I told myself this was my fault. My fault for not listening, my fault for not loving him right, my fault. He left because of me. I couldn't do it anymore. I ran out of the room, crown, note and rose in hand. Tears not stopping anytime soon and my knees threatening to give out.

I ran to my room, finally leading loose. I screamed and screamed and screamed until my voice couldn't scream no more. Tear after tear after tear was falling. Body shaking. Sadness and anger taking over. ...he's gone.

Third person POV

It's been 2 months since Romans death. Everyone was hurt. Surprised even. They all thought he was happy. Guess not. Patton found out by the note he found in Virgil's room. Logan found out from Patton and Deceit found out from Logan. Everyone was crushed. Even Deceit. They would eventually get over it.


They never did. They never will.

But, Roman was still alive.

When a trait 'dies' the go to another mind. And that's what Roman did. He regenerated into another mind. He looked different, but acted the same. The memories from his previous host if long gone.

The memories of Thomas.

The memories of his family.

The memories of Virgil, his boyfriend.

You told me to keep Roman alive.

So I did.




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