Quiet - (Moxiety)

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Triggers: None bc it's fluffy! But there will be Mentions of Logince!

Thanks for the request @BearLover115

High school AU

Virgil was the shy, quiet type of kid. He wore dark clothing and looked scary sometimes. His eyeshadow was messily applied along with some guy liner. People whispered about him in the halls as he walked past, but no one ever had the balls to walk up to him.

This sometimes got to Virgil. He wanted friends. Well, other than Roman and Logan, but they always had some date to go on with each other. "Hey Panic! At The Everywhere!" Roman said, slightly raising his voice and being dramatic. The usual. "hey Princey," The dark boy replied.

"Don't listen to them. They just want to take your place and be my best friend. But that can't happen because you're my bestfriend," Roman smiled, looking down at the emo.

Virgil smiled as well, happy he had Roman as a friend.



"What's up, Nerd," Roman said, going up to Logan and giving him a quick kiss.


"Shut up!"

They all laughed and headed to their classrooms.

~ Time Skip ~

Lunch finally rolled around. Roman Logan and Virgil got their trays and looked for a spot to sit at.

Virgil spotted a boy who was sitting alone. Smile on his face. He had big bulky glasses, like Logan, and a grey cardigan wrapped around his shoulders, along with a blue polo and some tan khakis. Basically the lighter version of Logan. But like a dad.

Virgil blushed at the sight and looked away.

Roman noticed this and looked at the boy. He smirked and walked over. He pushed Virgil a little, silently telling him to talk to the boy.

"um..h-hi..can w-we sit wit y-you?" He asked, barely audible. "Sure!" The boy said, he was quiet yet friendly. Adorable.

Virgil sat down slowly, not taking his eyes away from his sleeves as he played with them. Roman put a hand over his and pulled them apart, having them stop what they were doing and relax.

He smiled at the emo and returned his attention to the friendly boy.

"My name is Roman, the guy with the glasses is Logan and this emo is Virgil," he introduced.

"I'm Patton! Nice to meet you!" Patton blushed, clearly not use to having people talk to him. After they introduced each other, Patton couldn't help but stare at the darkly dressed boy. He was adorable, shy, quiet. Like him.

Virgil glanced at the boy across from him and blushed. He put his hood up and gave a small smile before turning towards Roman and Logan. Only to them kissing. "You guys are disgusting." He laughed. They pulled away and gave him a playful glare.

Patton chuckled as well. Already loving his newly found friend group.

They all planned to hang out at the park after hours. It's Friday, so they can stay out late.

Everyone agreed to meet up around 9 pm. That's when it gets dark.

After school, Virgil went home and got ready to see Patton again. He doesn't know why he's getting ready so early, he just is. He put on some black combat boots, skinny jeans with multiple holes in them, an oversized hoodie, sleeves going over his hands no matter how hard he tried to keep them up, and he reapplied his eyeshadow.

Patton went home and put on a different shirt, thinking that the shirt he wore to school was too dadish and childish all at the same time. He put on a darker blue T-shirt and some navy blue jeans. Along with a pair of black converse. He thought about contacts, but decided against it. He fixed his hair and was preparing himself for Virgil (you dirty minded son of a bit-).

~ Time Skip ~

11 pm rolled around quick and everyone was on there way. Roman and Logan in Romans car, Virgil on his black and purple skateboard while listening to music in his headphones, and Patton walking. Yes, he had a bike, but why use it when you can enjoy nature peacefully?

They eventually made it, Roman and Logan first, Virgil second and Patton last. He was happy to see Roman and Logan, but excited to see Virgil.

When he showed up, Virgil gave him a two finger salute with a small smile. He was sitting on top of the very tall slide. "He does that...a lot," Roman said, standing with Patton, "He's weird like that."

Logan just nodded and sat himself on a swing, slowly swinging himself. He wasn't one for fast swinging.

Virgil climbed down and greeted Patton with a small smile and a "hey".

"Hey Verge! How was your day?" Patton greeted.

"It was okay. School is boring so..." The darker male replied.

~ Time Skip ~

After a while, Roman and Logan left, Logan wanting to go to bed since it was past 1 in the morning.

Virgil and Patton stayed. Together.

"You really are a night owl aren't ya?" Patton asked, sitting on a swing next to Virgil.

"Yep, eyeshadow covers the bags so.."

"I have a question for you Pat..."


"Do you ever wonder what it's like to kill someone? Not that I'm gonna kill anyone or anything...I'm just asking.." Virgil said, playing with his jacket sleeves.

Roman warmed Patton about this. When it gets dark enough, Virgil gets dark as well. Very...Very dark..

"Um...I don't. But I do like to think that maybe cats are just misunderstood," He replied, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Sounds like me if I'm being honest," Virgil replied, sleeve covered hands holding the chains of the swing while his head rested against it. His hold was up. He looked adorable.

"I like you. Usually I try to avoid new people. But, I trust you, Patton. Even though I just met you today," Virgil said, looking at Patton with a small smile and glowing eyes.

Patton's heart almost exploded.

He smiled, "Thanks, Virgil.."

Want a part 2?

This wasn't very romantic..sorry.

I can write a part 2 if you want one, just let me know.



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