Name Calling - Prinxiety

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TW: Swearing. i owe y'all fluff

platonic or romantic, up to you.

"Chemical nightmare"

"Narcissistic asshole"

"Emo God"

"Disney trash"


"Prince on crack"

The two sides have been going at it all day. It was mindless teasing, but it was annoying as all hell. Logan and Patton needed it to stop. Now.

The two sat in the living room, doing their own thing while still insulting eachother. The blue sides have had enough.

"Highschool dropout"

"How about you guys say something nice about eachother, yeah? Roman, you go first!" Patton interrupts.

The two looked at him like he was crazy. Because he was. It was simply impossible for them to say something...nice about eachother. It's not...normal.


"Because you guys are getting annoying and we can't deal with it." Logan responded before Patton. Roman looked at him and gave in.

"You...are, uh....very...attractive?"

"What the fuck-"

"It's literally impossible to compliment him! We can't-"

"Virgil's turn!" Patton piped up, looking st the dark side. "Ew, no." "Yes." "N-" "Yes."

Virgil looked at the bubbly trait, his eyes big and puppy like. He couldn't resist.

"Fine, Roman you look a Disney illustrator ran out of ideas and made you."

*insert offended princey noises*


"I only speak truth, Roman"


and that's all i got. oops? yes, it's terrible and it shouldn't be published but, oh well. Pengi11 do you trust me now?

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