Suicide Room 2 - (Prinxiety)

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Triggers: me, Swearing, Mentions of past Cutting, Mentions of Anorexia, Mentions of Anxiety and Depression and Homophobia/Homophobic slurs

You guys wanted this Romantic Logicality and Platonic Moxiety is in here as well

"Why the fuck would they have a fucking suicide room?!" Roman asked angrily. "It just doesn't make sense! Why not put a trigger warning or a sign?! WHY NOT NAME THE DAMN DOOR?!" He yelled.

"Calm down kiddo! Me and Lo will go talk to the manager about it. We just need you here to watch Virgil," Patton reassured, looking down at a tear stained, puffy eyed, and red cheeked Virgil, who was sleeping on his lap. Thumb resting on his lips.

"When he wakes up, you need to give him some water for his throat and put on one of his favorite movies. He'll be okay."

Roman was pacing, glancing at his boyfriend every once in a while. "But I want to confront them myself! Please let me go!" Roman begged, getting on his knees dramatically. "Pwease?"

Patton glared at Roman,"No. You have to take care of Virgil for me. Me and Lo will take care of this. Heck, we'll sue! Just frickin' watch him Roman!" He raises his voice. He was angry at the fact that the fucking house had a suicide room. They didn't even think to have any warnings!

Roman whined and sat next to Virgil, resting his head on Virgil's legs, which were curled up, making him a tiny ball of angst and adorableness.

Roman looked at him and stared in awe. "Maybe it won't be so bad"

~ Time Skip ~

Patton and Logan made it to the main building. They asked to see the manager of the park. "You'll have to wait 30 minutes, he's busy," The desk lady said in a sassy tone. They went to sit down with nothing to say. Patton was tapping his foot angrily while Logan was staring at the ground, face hard. He was angry as well.

Virgil was basically a son to him. A son and friend.

Patton was angry. He was his son! His dark strange son!

Roman was furious. Virgil was his boyfriend, lover, cuddle buddy, bestfriend. He was everything to him. Sure, they've only been dating for  a few months, but he couldn't help but love him.

Back at the house, Virgil was still sleeping, his small, skinny frame curled into Romans small yet strong frame. Virgil was basically a baby when he slept. Curled up and practically sucking his thumb.

Roman smiled and turned on the tv, playing a Disney movie and quietly singing along. He had the water ready and was waiting for Virgil to wake up.

30 minutes had eventually gone by and Patton and Logan were in the managers office, discussing the events that had happened.

"He had an anxiety attack because you didn't think to put any warnings!" Logan complained. The manager raised and eyebrow, clearly not amused.

"Maybe your 'son' should learn how to control himself."

"How about you shut your fucking mouth!" Patton yelled, furious at this point. Logan looked at him shocked yet somehow amused. This bubbly, adorable man child was swearing and standing up for his child.

"I don't have to listen to faggots. Leave my office."

"How fucking dare you! My son has struggled with acceptance and Depression, yet you go about your day happy and fucking rich! He has struggled with Anorexia, Anxiety, and Depression! You fucking idiot! He was cutting himself to the point where all you could see were scars and red. RED! He came home tonight just to go to his room and cry. He even attempted cutting again. Again! How the fuck can you live knowing that people like him go through this because of you! People like you shouldn't deserve to be rich nor should deserve love. People like you should go to fucking hell!" Patton yelled, pointing a finger at the old man while Logan was standing next to him, arms crossed and glaring.

"I should sue, but I am not putting my son through that," He finished, turning around and walking out of the room. His face was red and his face was hard.

Once they reached their car, Patton let out a sigh and Logan began to drive.

"That was amazing, Patton. Shows how much you love him." Logan said after a moment of silence.

"That showed nothing. My love for Virgil, you and Roman can't possibly be shown" He replied, a smile tugging at his lips. Logan smiled at that and focused on driving.

~ Time Skip ~

They made it home and Virgil was awake, watching his favorite movie with Roman, who was holding him close. Virgils eyeshadow was reapplied and his cheeks were back to normal. Patton smiled at the sight and sat down with them, Logan following shortly after.

"Today was crazy" Patton said to the others, smiling.

"It was" Roman responded.


Virgil looked at Patton with his big, dark brown eyes and smiled. He leaned into Pattons shoulder.

"Thanks dad. Love you," He said, voice hoarse and barely above a whisper.

"Anytime kiddo. I love you too."

Bad ending.


And I'm sorry if this didn't meet your needs. Find another book, I'm begging you! You'll be happier!

Anyways, after I finish all of the requests, this oneshot book will be over. But, I am thinking about starting an Analogical or Prinxiety book. And maybe another Oneshot book.



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