911 - L.A.M.P

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TW: Car Crash, gAy lOvE fOr yOu

let me know if i forgot to list anything <3

"9-1-1, where's your emergency?"

"uh, *insert address here cause i'm lazy* there has b-been a car crash,"

"Alright, can you tell me how many cars have crashed?"


"And what is your name, Sir?"

"Uh, R-Remy Carter. Please hurry, I think someone is dying!"

"We're on our way. How many people are in each car, Remy? Can you tell?"

"uh, I-I can only see the f-first car. uh, 4 men. Oh god, the car is flipped.."

"Alright, breathe, Remy. Everything is fine. We're sending an ambulance, just stay away from the accident."


~ Earlier That Day (lol) ~

"Roman! Put me down!" Virgil yelled, wiggling in Romans arms. "And why would I do that? You're fun to hold! Very light," Roman responded, slightly throwing Virgil into the air.


"Ugh, you're no fun," He pouted. Virgil rolled his eyes and put his suit case in the car. "Come on you big baby, we gotta get the other two," Virgil said while walking into the house. "Nice ass," Roman commented. "Shut up."

"Patton! Logan! Come on down lovelies!" Roman called out from the living room. Quick footsteps began to go down the stairs, followed by soft, quiet ones. "Is it finally time to go?!" Patton asked, jumping up and down adorably. "It sure is honey! I call driving first!" Roman yelled, grabbing the keys and the other twos suitcases.

"I refuse to sit by that asshole. Logan, you're sitting in the front," Virgil smirked, flipping Logan off. "LANGUAGE!" "whoops."

Logan had a bored expression, this was normal for them. Sadly. Him and Patton began to walk to the car. They were going to the airport to go to Mexico, a little date Roman planned for their 1 year anniversary.

"Ready?" Roman asked everyone, getting a nod from a Logan, a glare from Virgil and a very excited "yep" from Patton. Roman smiled and began to drive the 5 hour drive. 6 pm

7 pm. As Patton played with Virgil's hair in his lap, he was scrolling through Twitter. Logan was reading a book, surprisingly not getting car sick, and Roman quietly singing a Disney song as to not wake up Virgil, who was asleep. Roman smiles, glancing at every one of his boyfriends, a smile forming on his pink lips. He was grateful.

8 pm. Logan and Roman switched spots. Patton fell asleep with his hand in the still sleeping Virgils hair. Roman was looking out the window, glancing at the sunset. "You know, The sunset always reminds me of us," Roman spoke, grinning. "How so?"

"Well, as the sun goes down, darkness begins to take over, but while that's happening, so many colors are blending and make it seem like they're meant to be there. See the purple? That's Virgil. He's mixed with Yellow, Patton, Orange, me, and a darker shade of blue, you." Logan smiled at the thought and looked at the sleeping boys in the back.

9 pm. Eventually Roman fell asleep. Leaving Logan alone. He heard movement in the back and saw Virgil rubbing his eyes with his sleeve. He took his headphones out and yawned. "Are we there yet?" He asked, his words slightly slurred with sleep. "2 more hours, Love."


10 pm. Logan parked at a gas station, not wanting to wake his two bubbly boyfriends. Him and Virgil got out of the car and went to use the bathroom and get something to eat and drink. They also got some candy for the other two. After Logan pumped the gas, he began their drive once more.

11 pm. Everyone but Logan was now asleep. He got the most sleep out of everyone. Patton was excited, Roman was packing last minute, and Virgil was just being stubborn. As Logan was driving, a car began to swerve.

Hitting them head on.

so, 2 parter.

haven't done one in a bit. why not go with tHiS?!

i was watching 911 calls on youtube and got this idea so, fite me.

not sure when the 2nd part will be out, but here's this garbage.


b y e

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