G-Note (Prinxiety)

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Triggers: My writing

Virgil was walking through the halls of the Mind Palace when he heard a familiar song come from the creative sides door.

Look alive, sunshine
One-oh-nine in the sky
But the pigs won't quit
You're here with me: Doctor Death-Defy
I'll be your surgeon, your proctor, your helicopter
Pumpin' out the slaughter-matic sounds
To keep you live

It was a song by My Chemical Romance. You could hear the voice of Roman and the song mixed with one another. Once the song ended another song came on. Then another, and another, and another, and so on.

Virgil decided to go hang out with the side. He was bored anyway. So, he walked up to the red door and knocked. "Who is it?" The creative side said, the music stopping abruptly. "Uh, it's Virgil," he responded with.

The door opened, showing a perfect faced trait. "I heard your music," Virgil said, smirking. Roman blushes slightly and denied that it wasn't his. "Come one Princey, I know it was you" "was not!" "Oh really?" "Yes!"

Virgil walked in and spotted a speaker. He also saw Romans phone. He walked over to where the phone was and pressed play. The song once again playing. Virgil looked up at the fanciful trait and smirked his signature smirk. "Not yours huh?" He teased.

Roman's face was bright red. He was embarrassed, he was suppose to like Disney songs. Which he does. But, he also likes other types of music. "Wanna l-listen to some songs with me?" He asked the younger side.

"Sure," was all Virgil said before he pressed shuffle, not wanting to listen to the song already playing.

~Time Skip~

It's been nearly and hour and they were still listening to MCR. They've played a little bit of Disney, TØP, and FOB here and there, but it was mostly MCR. "I have to ask you a serious question Princey," Virgil said, sitting up from the spot he once was in.

"Ask away, my Chemically Imbalanced Romance!" He dramatically said. "Do you have that one MCR song?" Roman looked at him confused. "You know....the....trigger?" "Trigger?" "Ugh...you know! Wel-," and just as he said it, the song came on.

When I was a young boy
My father took me into the city
To see a marching band
He said, son, when you grow up
Would you be the savior of the broken
The beaten, and the damned?
He said, will you defeat them
Your demons and all the non-believers?

as the G-Note played, Virgil's eyes began to water. "Turn it off Princey.." he mumbled. "What?" "I said.....turn iT OFF!" He yelled, tears threatening to fall. Roman just say there, confused. When Virgil realized this he began to cry. "TURN IT OFF! TURN IT OFF! TURN. IT. OFF!" He said, arms and legs thrashing in the air.

"Ok, Ok, Ok! It's off!" Roman said, turning it off. "Sorry?"

Virgil just sat on the ground, staring at the speaker. "Um, Doctor Gloom?"

"Never....Ever! Play that song....ever...again," He said, not taking his eyes off of the speaker.




I'm sorry... it's not good...

Go find you a good OneShot book.



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