Too Young - Royality And Background Analogical

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TW: Major Character Death, Crying, Swearing, sad boi hrs 😔🤟

Requested by @_-Patton-Sanders-_

"Patton! Patton, oh my god, guess what?" Roman yelled, running towards his best friend. "I got a 100% on my spelling test!" Pulling out the paper, Roman beamed. "Holy moly, you're so smart, Ro!" "I know right?!" Patton giggled, hugging the other boy. "I'm so proud of you! Wanna go play on the monkey bars?" "Sure!"

"Roman! Roman, Roman, Roman! Virgil and Logan got together!" Patton screamed, excitement evident in his voice. "I know, Pat! Isn't it exciting? Oh my god, we should throw them a surprise party! A congratulations kind of thing, you know?" Roman suggested. Patton agreed and the two went off, leaving the Elementary school behind.

"Are you excited for the first day?" The taller of the two asked. "I mean, I guess. It's middle school, Ro. A whole 'nother school." Patton answered, nervous but also excited to meet new people. "I get where you're coming from. But, you won't leave me for anyone else, will you? Logan and Virgil already promised not to leave us." "I could never leave you, Ro. Never, ever!" Roman smiled, happy with the answer he got.

"Roman, you bastard! Give me my fucking chips back!" Virgil yelled, chasing after said man. Patton laughed while Logan rolled his eyes at his friend and boyfriends antics. "We can just buy you another bag, Dear." "I don't want another bag! I want my bag!" The high schooler whines. "Awe, don't worry Virge. I'll buy you another one, I promise!" "Yeah, Pat has money." Roman spike, mouth filled with chips. "You're fucking dead!" "Ah!"

"Patton? It's um, it's senior year and i was wondering, since we're not in highschool anymore, would you, maybe want to go on a date? I've liked you for a while now and i've only just found the courage to tell you." Roman rambled nervously. Patton stayed silent, looking at Roman for a moment. "Of course, Ro. I've liked you too."

Roman sat at his best friends grave, flowers in hand. "You said you wouldn't leave me. Never, ever. You lied, Patton. But that's okay, it wasn't your fault. You were too young, love." He set the flowers down, kissing his hand and putting it on top of the cold stone. "We miss you. I miss you. I'll see you soon enough."

"I love you."

ha, thanks for the request. it hurt like shit, but i got it done!


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