Words - Janus-Centric

501 33 6

TW: Mentions of Insults, Mentions of Evil

eh, i don't know how i feel about this one, but i think it's postable. anyways, i left my shower on again

Janus stared at Roman, his chest tightening only slightly. He felt a wave of shame and embarrassment, but it was quickly replaced with anger and a defensive nature.

He curled his hands into fists, his mind racing a mile a minute and his words unable to catch up.

And then he said it.

He knew they were words forbidden to ever be spoken towards Roman directly. They all knew his insecurity regarding his brother.

But that just didn't seem to be enough to stop the lying side.

As the insult left his mouth, Janus pleaded for forgiveness. He didn't mean it. Truly, he didn't.

The damage was done, however. There was no going back and while he knew that, he still wished.

Watching Roman sink out and unable to go after him, the snake like persona felt the same wave of shame and embarrassment wash over him. Only this time, it was different.

He had to apologize, he needed to. He messed up and he knew that. What was he going to do? Roman couldn't possibly forgive him, not after that. He had even called Remus evil after all of his talk about how he himself wasn't.

He had hurt the twins in one sentence.

And it was never easy to hurt either of them.

He messed up.

Janus had messed up and he didn't know what to do for the first time in awhile.

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