Him - Analociet

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Look, a meme

TW: None bitch, ha!

Pure. Fluff.

This is a ship between Virgil, Logan and Deceit if you didn't already know. It's honestly so adorable!

Deceit and Logan were simply cuddling on the couch when Virgil came into the living room. He looked at the both of them and gave them a soft smile, sitting down in the only chair the room had, turning his attention towards his phone. Deceit and Logan looked at him and admired his existence. They seemed to share the same crush and they didn't mind. They would gush about how incredibly adorable he was and how he would always chew on his nails or bounce his leg when he's anxious or bored.

They both smiled at eachother, seeming to give look that says "he's so cute omg!" Deceit ended up texting Logan and just fanboying along with the intelligent side.

Dee: should we ask him?

Lo: Not yet! And do you know what capitalization is?!

Dee: no, fuck off

Logan glared at Deceit while Dee returned it with a chuckle and peck on the cheek. Logan blushes and his face softened. Virgil began to giggle, which was absolutely adorable. Logan and Deceit looked in his direction, becoming love-struck babies. Virgil noticed this and blushed, clearing his throat, "a-are you guys okay?" He stuttered, embarrassed. "You're just not adorable" Deceit smirked at him. Virgil's blush deepened and he looked at Logan, worried he would be mad. But he wasn't.

In fact, Logan nodded his head in agreement! Virgil was very surprised, flattered, but surprised. "U-Uh, thanks.." he replied. What was going on? Yes, he liked the two sides, but he didn't think they liked him back! Besides, he's anxiety, nobody wants to deal with that.

"You know, maybe you should us. We do have room," Logan asked, looking at Virgil with smile. Virgil smiled back and began to walk to the coach. He ended up being the middle of a cuddle sandwich, Boy was he happy though! Soon enough, they all fell asleep, Logan's head resting on top of Virgil's and Deceits resting on Logan's shoulder.

Patton and Roman ended up getting a few pictures. A few meaning a couple hundred.

Wow, was this bad or what?

Sorry for the wait or whatever (again.)

School started and it's honestly kicking my ass rn.

In other news, my birthday was a couple weeks ago, so. That happened.



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