Hold Me - Prinxiety

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TW: it's literally pure fluff, idk what you want from me

Virgil sighed as he walked into the kitchen. It was currently three in the morning and he couldn't fall asleep, so he decided to get some coffee. With his hood up and his eyes droopy, he made his way to the coffee pot and began making his coffee.

Meanwhile, Roman sat in his room, watching youtube in the dark. He tried sleeping, but he felt restless, so he gave up and decided to watch his phone until he eventually passed out.

Once the coffee was made, Virgil sat on the counter, keeping his head down as he sipped his mug. His fingers poked through sleeves slightly as he held the mug, feeling the warmth on his hands. It was always calming to him. He loved how the heat radiated to his hands and made him feel slightly warmer than usual. Virgil sighed contently, a slight smile forming on his lips.

Roman groaned as his phone died. He wasn't paying attention to the many warnings his phone gave as he watched a particularly interesting video. Sighing, he plugged his phone in and decided to get some food. Standing up, Roman opened his door and walked down the stairs while running a hand through his hair.

Virgil hadn't heard footsteps from the staircase. He was too focused on the relaxed feeling he rarely ever felt. Closing his eyes, he sipped his cup once more, the slight smile never leaving his face.

"Virgil? What are you doing up so late, love?" Roman asked suddenly, startling the other side. "My apologies. I didn't mean to scare you."

Virgil sighed, relieved. "It's fine. I could ask the same about you," he spoke softly, setting his cup down and wrapping his hoodie tighter around himself.

"I was starting to get a bit restless so I decided to watch some videos on my phone. Then it died and I got hungry," Roman explained, grabbing an orange and going over to the counter. He set his elbows on it and began peeling the orange, looking at the side next to him. "Your turn."

"I couldn't fall asleep for the life of me." Virgil said, watching him peel the orange. "Anxious?" He shook his head at the assumption, "Cold, touch starved, all of that jazz."

Roman nodded, "I'm sorry, dearest. Would you like to go back to my room after I eat this perfectly peeled orange and cuddle?" He joked, trying to make Virgil smile.

Said side did smile. Although it was small, it was still a smile and Roman very much enjoyed it. He quickly finished eating his orange and threw away the peel, helping his boyfriend down from the counter and leading him back to his own room.

"Big spoon or little spoon?" Roman asked, smiling and turning to the other after turning the lamp on so they can see.

"Hold me, please..." Virgil whispered, playing with his hoodie strings. Roman looked at him fondly, taking both of his hands and kissing Virgil's cheeks softly. Leading him to the bed, he let Virgil get under the covers before pulling him close to his chest.

"Thanks, Ro." The darker side mumbled, closing his eyes and relaxing.

"Of course, love."

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