Work - Analogical

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TW: Pretty Descriptive Panic Attack, uh oh stinky

yooo, i rlly like it when things are switched up in virgil ships dawg lol.

Thank you for the request @Jadagirl10165 !

His room was cluttered. Papers in stacks on the ground and on his desk, his bed even. Books scattered and thrown, wrinkled and torn. The complete opposite of what it should look like.

It was usually clean and organized. Books precisely placed on shelves and pens in a perfect line in the left hand corner of his desk. His bed made and everything organized.

Schedules, deadlines, scripts. All needing attention from one side, all needing to be worked on by one side. It was utterly impossible.

The logical persona paced his room, switching between facts Thomas learned years ago to solutions to the mess created. Almost like a robot going haywire.

He chewed his nails and raked his hand through his hair without thinking, his chest moving faster and faster up and down as his breath got caught in his throat.

A knock at the door didn't help much. "Hey, Lo? Do you mind helping me with something? It shouldn't take long."

The side in question only took a glance at the door, thinking of ways to respond. The only letter that does not appear on the periodic table is J.


Logan threw his glasses to the side, not caring where they landed or if they broke. He rubbed his eyes harshly, not daring to let them water. A lump in his throat forming.

The person on the other side of the door knocked once again. "Uh, Logan? Are you okay?"

Logan continued to pace, "Fine... fine." he whispered as if the other could hear him.

His vision blurred more than they had already been, causing him to trip over stack of papers and send him falling towards the wall. Luckily, he caught himself with his arm, the thud sure to alert the person calling for his attention.

Virgil, having heard the loud thud, looked at his boyfriends door with concern. Opening it, he gasped at the messy room, not yet noticing the man on the floor.

Logan had his back pressed against the side of his desk, facing his lover. His lips moved in soft mumbles of meaningless sentences.

Virgil did a double take at the usually composed side, immediately going over to him. "Lo? Love, hey, can you hear me?"

Logan glanced at him, his nails digging into the floor and the lump in his throat growing impossibly larger.

The darker side caught the glance, nodding. "Okay, okay. You can hear me then. Can I touch you?"

Quickly shaking his head, the other pushed himself more into the desk. "At birth, Pandas are smaller than a mouse. I can do the larger stack and then the smaller stacks. But I'll never get them done in time. No, no. That won't work, nothing will work. Violin bows are commonly made from horse hair."

Virgil retracted his hand, "Okay, okay. You're okay. Just breathe in. You have to breathe, Lo, trust me. Count, can you count?"

Logan closed his eyes, his knuckles turning white as he nodded.

"Good, lets do the breathing technique. Do you remember that? Can you do that for me?"

Nodding again, he breathed in through his nose, only to be stopped by sighing out useless words that were too quick for his lungs.

Virgil kept his eyes soft and encouraging. "Try again. It's okay to keep trying."

Logan did as instructed, getting further before being stopped once again, his hands going back to his eyes.

"You almost got it, keep trying. Don't give up, I promise you, you'll feel better when you get the hang of it."

He tried again, his nails digging into the palms of his hands, creating crescent shapes.

Getting his first round through the technique, he blinked. Tears he had been holding back falling freely as well as small sobs breaking past his lips.

Virgil watched him closely, his worry for the other only increasing. "You got it."

Counting for him, the emo persona guided Logan out of the panicked daze he was put in. Now extremely exhausted, the hands and muscles of the fragile side relaxed. "Apologies." he managed out, his once soft yet firm voice now weak and hoarse.

Virgil rested a hand on top of his boyfriends own hand, squeezing it softly. "You have no reason to apologize, love. You've done too much. It's time you rest." he reassured.

Logan moved to lay his head on Virgil's chest, closing his eyes and listening to his heart beat. "Thank you."

Smiling, Virgil held him close and softly ran his hands through the sleepy sides hair, wiping his face dry. "Of course, Star." he responded, planting a kiss to the top of his head.

ngl i'm proud of this one : )

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