Quiet 2 - Moxiety

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TW: none bc it's fLuFfY

It's been almost a year since the park. They all grew closer together, having sleepovers, hanging out after city hours, and just being friends. Logan and Roman has a few breaks along the way, but they worked it out and eventually grew their relationship stronger. Roman says he's gonna marry Logan when he's old enough. Virgil thinks it's gross, of course he's kidding, and Patton thinks it's freaking adorable. His words, not mine.

All of them were at Romans house, getting ready to go into the woods he had in his backyard. After grabbing water and telling Romans parents where they were going, they headed off into the tree filled area.

"Explain to me why we are out here when it's getting dark?!" Virgil asked, annoyance and slight panic in his voice. "We, my friend, are going on an adventure! I brought flashlights!" Roman replied, taking out a flashlight and smiling. Virgil rolled his eyes and went along with Romans stupid plan.

Patton was smiling, walking next to Virgil, who was looking tired and annoyed. You know, the usual. Logan and Roman were in front of them, holding hands and being all lovey dovey. Virgil hated it.

"Where exactly are we going, Roman?" Patton asked, curious.


"You don't know where we're going?!" Virgil said, raising his voice and stopping.

"Hey! I know where we're going! Like I said, somewhere.."

"Oh my god Roman! We're gonna die out here!"

"Nuh uh! We'll be fine! I'm here!" Roman said, putting his hand on his chest and standing tall. Logan rolled his eyes and kept walking while Patton smiled at the two.

"We'll be fine! I'm sure Roman knows his way back! It's his house after all!" Patton reassured Virgil. Virgil nodded and stood a little bit closer to Patton, needing some sense of protection.

~Time Skip~

It was dark and Virgil was starting to get dark too, annoying Roman and scaring Patton. Logan wasn't bothered but he was starting to get cautious.

"A bear is going to eat us"

"We're gonna get murdered"

"Someone is gonna try and eat us"

"What if we find a dead body?!"

These are only examples of what Virgil was saying. And that was only when the sun was disappearing.

Patton stood shoulder to shoulder with Virgil who was also scared. They're hands brushed together as they walked. Both of their eyes darting around, they were not gonna die tonight.

As they were walking, Virgil heard a stick crack. His ears perked up and he jumped, grabbing Pattons arm while Patton looked at the spot the sound came from. They both bolted, squeezing themselves in the middle of the two taller boys.

"Shouldn't we turn back now? Maybe your parents are worried?" Patton tried to convince Roman, still ya hanging on to Virgil, while Virgil hung on to him.

"Hm...yeah, you're right. Let's turn back men!" Roman said, pointing the opposite direction and marching his way out. Virgil sighed, relieved they were going back. Logan was holding the flashlight and looking bored.

~ Time Skip ~

"Are we almost home?" Virgil asked, holding Pattons hand. "Um...I think I went the wrong way.." Roman answered.


"Hey, calm down! We'll get out of here!"

"OH MY GOD ROMAN! YOU SON OF A- UGH!" Virgil was clearly frustrated and scared, his anxiety was through the roof and he was ready to sleep. Patton was squeezing his hand, silently telling him that he was right next to him.

Virgil pulled out his phone, ready to call someone.

Until he saw those two freaking words.

'No service'

His heart dropped and his face paled, well, paler then usual. Patton noticed this and looked at Virgil's phone, his face paling as well.

Roman looked behind him, seeing both of them looking at Virgil's phone. "What's got you dorks so scared?" He laughed. Logan went over and looked at the phone, his face looking worried.

"No service, Roman"

Romans face dropped, he was scared. He thought that if they couldn't find their way, they could call someone. That plan was clearly out.

Virgil put his phone back in his hoodie pockets and began pacing, a clear sign of anxiety. "We're gonna die.." he murmured. "We. Are. Going. To. Freaking. DIE!"

Virgil was playing with the strings of his hoodie . Aggressively might I add.

"Now, Virgil. You gotta calm down! We'll be fine!" Roman tried to reassure the younger. Which didn't work. At all.

"no..no..no. this wasn't suppose to happen!" He pacing was beginning to get shorter and quicker. "We're suppose to be watching a movie, eating popcorn! We're suppose to be safe!"

"Come one kiddo! Calm down! We'll be okay!" Patton said, moving closer to Virgil.

"No. No, we're gonna get murdered, someone is going to eat us alive! Something is going to EAT US ALIVE! We're screwed!"

Virgil now had the string s of his hoodie in his mouth, chewing on them while murmuring.

"We're dead! We. Are. Dead. This is it! We're screwed! We're lost! We're gonna starve to death! It's dark and all the animals are gonna be out! They're hungry! They're freaking hungry! Flight or Fight, Virgil. We'll be fine..nope, we're dead! We're fu-"

Patton stood in front of Virgil, stopping him in his tracks, Pattons hands on Virgils shoulders.

Patton pulled Virgil closer and kissed him.

The darker one was surprised, but melted into the comforting kiss, his somewhat shaky hands going to Pattons shoulders. They kissed until they needed air.

"We'll be fine."

Roman and Logan looked at eachother, Logan giving Roman $10. "See, I told you I would win!"

"Shut up"

Roman laughed and gave Logan a little kiss.

They ended up finding their way home.

"I hate you, Princey"

"Love you too, Jacksmellington!"

Roman and Logan slept in Romans bed, while Patton and Virgil cuddled on the floor. "Wanna be my boyfriend?" Patton asked, half asleep and half awake. "That's gay, but sure."


Was this good?


Oh, and sorry for taking a long ass break. My mental health isn't doin' so good at the moment.

I feel bad..


I keep leaving and it's fucking terrible!

I'll try to stop.



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