Online Friends - L.A.M.P

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TW: Swearing, Mentions of Spiders and uno reverse card

Roman is typing...
Roman: Hello everyone!

Logan: Salutations, why am i in a GroupChat?

Patton: hi!!!

Roman: So, I added all of you here today because you guys are all my mutuals on twitter and I wanted everyone to meet! I added on more person. Everyone mind telling your names?

Virgil: thats private information

Logan: Logan.

Patton: Patton!

Roman: And as everyone knows, of course, I am Roman!

Roman: Now, we're going to share where we are from, our age and what we like to do! You, of course, do not have too.

Logan: I am from the UK, not telling where specifically to keep me safe. I am 17 and I am currently in college for astronomy.

Patton: i live in texas!! uh, i'm 17 as well and i love, love, LOVE riding horses!!!!! it's my favorite thing to do!!!

Virgil: australia, 17, making fun of roman

Logan: You guys have got to learn grammar.

Virgil: oh i know my grammar. i just don't use it

Roman: ANYWAYS! I'm from Kansas, I am 17 and I love acting!

Virgil: we been knew

Logan: We already know***

Virgil: sigh

Patton: I already love all of you!!!!!


Patton: AHHHH!!!!

Roman: AHHHHHH!!!

Virgil: ew stop

Logan: Please don't.

Roman: You guys just suck!

Virgil: well duh

Roman: wElL dUh

Virgil: fuck you

Roman: fUcK yOu

Virgil has left

Virgil has been added by Roman

Roman: Nope!

Virgil: fuck off

Logan: While this has been fun, it is time for me to go to bed. I have classes tomorrow. Goodnight/day.

Patton: yeah, i have to go feed the animals, but i love you guys. good night logan!!

Logan has left the chat

Virgil: there's a spider on the table, i gtg-


Virgil: ehh, big guy is kinda cute. too bad he's wild

Patton: nO-

Patton has left the chat

Virgil: lol, talk to ya tomorrow, ro. g'night.

Roman: Goodnight, you Emo Nightmare!

Virgil: shut up

Virgil has left the chat

Roman has left the chat

Lmao, i just wanted to write Australian Virgil for a bit. sorry if it's long.

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