Fake - Roman x Logan x Deceit x Virgil

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TW: Mentions of Cursing, Thoughts of Being Too Big when not, Crying

yo, so satansxcoffexhouse will be taking some requests off of my hands. Ones I simply cannot think of anything good to bring out if it. I do apologize for not being able to take them up myself. She's just starting her book, so go check it out and give her some love! You never know, collabs might happen. lmao ok bye-

Thank you @hdsbjabxnxja for the request!

Looking into the mirror, Roman frowned. Noticing how he seemed to look too perfect, as if he was trying to hide something.

But, to be fair, he was.

It wasn't anything materialistic, of course not. If it had been, he wouldn't have kept it a secret. He would've bragged about it to his brother, he would've shared it with his boyfriends.

Of course he would have.

Scanning himself over, the fanciful sides frown deepened. He saw how his outfit engulfed him, making him look skinny. Weak. He wouldn't be able to protect his family like this.

But he was too big all at the same time.

Eyes moving back to his face, he noticed how his eyes looked dull. How they didn't shine like he was told they did. He saw how dark circles began forming under his eyes, slightly mimicking Virgil's eyeshadow.

Roman tightened his hands into fists, biting his bottom lip harshly. Tears stinging his eyes.

He noticed how he was everything but who he made himself out to be, a fake. Phony. He was nothing but an insecure mess. Everything he did was wrong and he knew it.

Unable to hold them any longer, tears began flowing down his cheeks. As if on cue, a knock sounded throughout his room.

"Ro, movie is ready. We're waiting downstairs." A deep voice spoke.

Roman jumped, quickly cleaning himself up and making sure he looked presentable before opening the door with a forced smile. "Hello, Virgil. I'll be down in just a moment, I need to get into some comfortable clothing really quick."

Virgil looked up from his phone, noticing Romans not-so-well-hidden blotchy cheeks. "Are you okay, love?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

Virgil sighed, reaching out to take Romans hand. He lightly pulled Roman closer to himself. "Love, talk to me. What's going on?"

The side in question chewed on his lip, "I'm... fine. I'm fine, there's nothing to worry about, my dear." he laughed nervously, not meeting Virgil's gaze.

Putting a gentle hand on his cheek, Virgil locked eyes with him. "Love..."

Romans breathing seemed to stop in that moment, his chest filling with an unpleasant sensation. "I..."

The darker side rubbed his cheekbone, watching him with soft, worried eyes.

"... I'm not good enough."

The words hit Roman like a bus, sobs racking his body as his knees buckled beneath them, causing him to fall into Virgil.

The noise alerted the two downstairs, Logan and Deceit both coming up in pure curiosity before changing to concern and worry for their boyfriend when seeing the sight before them.

Deceit moved to hug Roman from behind, questions being saved for later.

Logan followed, resting a firm but reassuring hand on his lovers shoulder.

The three comforted and held their boyfriend, not letting him go until he was reduced to light sniffles and soft hiccups. "I'm sorry you guys, I didn't mean to ruin movie night."

"You have nothing to apologize for, love." Virgil reassured, looking at him with a small smile.

"There /wont/ be more movie nights. You're /less/ important right now."

"I highly suggest cuddles and water."

Roman, now feeling much better, chuckled. "Yeah... yeah, that sounds amazing."

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