Short - (Analogical)

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Triggers: None really, unless you count a very short Virge and a tall Logan.? Oh and swearing.

"Come on.." Virgil quietly said, trying not to disturb the others with his frustration. He was trying, key word trying, to get himself a stress ball from the top shelf in the kitchen. He has been feeling extra anxious lately and he didn't want it affecting Thomas.

"Come on you little.." He sighed in frustration. He stood on his tippy toes and almost had it, until someone decided to come in unannounced and almost give him a heart attack.

"Virgil? What are you doing?" The unannounced persona asked. "Holy shit Logan! You can't do that to me!" Virgil somewhat yelled. "What do you mean? What did I do?" "Never mind."

Virgil tried again, but failed. Than again. Failed. And again, and again, and again. Failed.

Logan took notice to this as he was sitting at the table, reading a book. He would help, if he didn't enjoy seeing Virgil struggle. "Get your ass over here and hand me a stress ball, Logan!" Virgil spoke out of frustration. Logan chuckled and got up, helping his boyfriend out.

Once he got the small stress toy, he handed it to his partner, once Virgil's hand was close enough to grab it, he raised it a bit higher.

"Do me like this, Lo. I'm not in the mood"

"You said you wanted it, right?"


Virgil was getting angry. It was adorable! Logan laughed and handed him the toy. The darker trait snatched it from the hands of the other and began to play with it. "You're ador-" "Dont fucking say it.." "able!" Logan finished.

Virgil looked at him angrily before launching his small body at the other and tickling his sides. While Logan was laughing widely, Virgil was doing the same.

"You're adorable!" Virgil commented.






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