Suicide Room - (Prinxiety)

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@person4325 thanks for the request!

Triggers: Mentions of Suicide, Hanging, Blood, Anxiety attack, Mentions of Cutting. You know, all that Jazz.

You like Jazz?

Roman, Logan, Patton and Virgil all decided that since it was Halloween, they would go to a haunted house. Patton, of course, wasn't up for until he got bribed with a whole jar of cookies for the rest of the week. Logan was there to make sure none of them would hurt themselves or another.

Virgil and Roman were really the only ones excited. Virgil was nervous but excitement took over and he agreed.

They soon arrived right around 10 pm. The line was long...very long. Logan and Patton went ahead and went to go ride some rides, since it was a carnival. It was decorated with spiders and scary decorations with people dressed up as monsters, going around scaring people.

- Time Skip -

11:30 rolled around and Virgil and Roman were still waiting. They were the next ones up. Logan and Patton found them and stood with them the rest of the line. Soon enough, they split up into partners and went different ways into the house. Roman with Virgil and Patton with Logan.

Virgils nerves were getting to him and he stopped walking. Looking around. Roman noticed this and he reassured Virgil that everything was fake.

Virgil nodded and off they went.

After a little while of jumps scares, getting chased, and laughing, they made it to a room. It was dark. Only light being red. Roman walked around, leaving Virgil's side while Virgil stood there. He saw a door attached to the wall.

Curiosity got the best of him and he walked in, surprised it was unlocked. Once his walked in though, what he saw was horrific.

Fake bodies (which look real) were hung by ropes and fake blood all over the ground, bodies, walls, and ceiling, other bodies were staring at him, eyes wide open and bloody. Wrist slit. Of course this wasn't real, Virgil's anxiety was getting to his head.

They started chanting "do it...DO IT!" Virgil screamed and fell back, landing in a corner and hitting his bum. He curled in on himself, rocking back and forth, muttering words like "no" "stop" "shut up" "they love me"

The words made his body shake slightly, Ames holding him and his legs close. His eyes wide and frantic, staring at the fake body across from him. His subconsciously started scratching at his wrists and legs, wanting to make the voices go away. "do it"

Virgil started screaming again, hands going to tug at his hair and tears mixed with eyeshadow running down his face. "STOP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT. UP!"

Roman quickly ran to the door "Virgil?" He thought he heard screaming and he wanted to investigate.

H walked into the room and stared into the darkness hearing soft crying and muttering.

"Virgil?" He slowly walked towards the figure in the corner. "Virgil are you alright?" He asked, Virgil flinched away. He was clearly shook. (I'm sorry..)

"Virgil, Virgil it's alright. It's okay. I'm here" He soothed, voice calm and collected.

Virgil was covering his ears, not wanting to hear any of the voices, yet they were loud as ever. Roman gently grabbed his hands, pulling them away from his ears and taking them into his own warm hands. "Breathe with me, Virge"

Virgil focused on the calm, soft voice of Roman.

Said person pulled Virgil into his lap, causing Virgil to hold onto him for dear life. Knowing that I'm his mind, if let's go, he's dead.

After a while, Roman and Virgil came out only to see Patton and Logan looking worried. Virgils face was red and puffy and his eye shadow was smudged. "C-Can we leave?" He asked in a croaky, pleading voice.

They looked at each other smiled.








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