So They Say

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TW: Crying, Insecurity, Fake Emotion, Sympathetic Remus, pee

"You know, they keep saying that this is all going to go away, but I'm not too sure about that." He chuckled brokenly, his voice laced with sorrow.

Remus look at his brother with pure concern, tears brimming his eyes as he hesitated to reach out. "I don't...I don't understand..."

"Of course you don't. Nobody does. And somehow, that makes me feel content."

Roman wiped his tears away weakly, a terrible attempt at gathering his composure in front of his twin. "Apologies, I'm just rambling." he laughed breathily.

Remus bit his lip, shaking his head. "No, no. Don't apologies, Ro. You can talk to me."

The fanciful side hugged himself, the bed he was sitting on suddenly feeling more comforting. "I do not wish to burden you with my insecurities, dear brother. They are impractical and not very glittery, if I do say so myself."

"Roman, please-"

"Now if you will excuse me, I have a video to do. Please, if you will respect my wishes, can you not say anything to the others about this? They can't afford to have core side being...unusable."

Standing up from the bed, Roman checked himself in the mirror, fixing his hair and hiding his blotchy face with foundation.

Remus, unable to say much more, watched. Desperate to hug his brother, to comfort him and tell him it will be alright.

But he simply can't.

After a few minutes, the prince deemed himself presentable. Hopefully.

"Well, I'm off. I shall talk to you after we finish, yes?" He smiled forcefully.

The side in question only nodded, looking into the others eyes, desperate to find something. Anything.

Roman hummed and moved towards his door before Remus could really find anything.

"Let's get this show on the road!"

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