Halloween - L.A.M.P

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Logan walked down the dark street. It was halloween and he got tired of kids ringing his doorbell and knocking every five seconds. So, he decided that the graveyard would be the perfect place to relax. He didn't despise halloween. He actually enjoyed it, but oh god, the kids! They don't know when to stop!

He saw some very creative costumes on his way to the graveyard and he did compliment them, which made him feel happy when he saw the smile on the kids faces. Once he got to the graveyard, he found a bench and sat on it, looking at the stars. Relaxing.

But, that all changed when he looked straight (gay) and was met with a transparent face. Logan let out a scream and jumped away from the figure. The ghostly person, or thing, looked confused and almost interested in Logan. The 'person' was young, 16 at most. He looked innocent but also seemed to be in his...emo phase.

"Uh, hi?" The thing said, his voice echoing a bit.

"W-What are y-you?" Logan stuttered, scared shitless.

"What do you mean? Clearly im a ghost, you know, dead," The ghost replied, sarcasm dripping from his mouth...figuratively.

"N-Not possible. Ghost a-arent real!" Logan denied, eyes wide and frantic. "Then i guess your crazy." "Am not!" "Are too!"

Logan shook his head and shut his eyes, hoping that when he opened them, the ghost was gone and he was just sleep deprived. But when he opened them, the ghost was in his face again. Logan screamed, again. "Will you stop doing that!" He complained. "No."

"What are you?" The ghost asked, confusion in his voice. "You mean you don't know what i am?" "nope."

"I am a human."

"A what?"




The ghost boy shrugged and took his hands out from his jacket pocket, he stuck one out for Logan to shake. "Virgil, Virge for short."

Logan looked at his hand and hesitantly brought his hand out as well. But as he touched Virgil's hand, he felt nothing but air. "Oh, so i guess hoomans can't touch me huh?" He asked innocently. "Humans, and no, we can't"

"Hm..." Virgil stared at Logan's skin, wondering what it's like to be a human. But, he already asked too many questions, so he held back.

"Virgil!" Someone yelled from the distance, Virgil's head snapped up and away from Logan. His eyes wide. "Hide me!"

"Virgil! Come back here! You don't run from your father!" Someone yelled, the voice coming closer. A figure appeared behind the tree in front of Logan, he was once again scared. "Virge! Virgil! Vee! Veedawg! Veewezzle!"

"I see you!"

Virgil audibly groaned and became visible again. "How?" "You're not that good at hiding." "Fuck you." "You're grounded." "fUcK yOu!"

Logan was terrified. A pale man with fangs came from behind the tree. He was clearly a vampire! "Oh! This is Logan! He's a....a, uh..."


"Yeah that!"

"It's so nice to have visitors! We haven't had someone come up here in a while! I'd say before Virgil died so...5 months i'd say?"

Virgil nodded with a small smile on his face.

"I'm Patton by the way! 17 In human years, but in vampire years, I'm 170!" The enthusiastic vampire introduced. "I-I have so. many. questions." Logan said after a moment of silence.

"PADRE! STROMCLOUD!" A loud voice howled. Not again..

"oh no..." Virgil groaned.

"Oh! Hey guys!" A man said. Well...Logan wouldn't say 'man' more like...Animal.

"Ooh, whose this?" The thing asked, referring to Logan, who was about to pass out.

"That's Logan. He's a human," Virgil answered. "Ah, I use to be a human once," The animal day dreamed. He missed being a human, but he also liked being a werewolf.

Logan eventually passed out. Waking up to three faces hovering over him. "You okay dude?" Virgil asked. Logan groaned, "so it wasn't a nightmare?" "Afraid not, my friend."

All Logan wanted to do was go home and forget about this. He wanted to lay in his bed and never wake up again. But that's just not possible, unlike a ghost boy, 170 year old vampire and a very loud prince like werewolf.

~ Time Skip ~

It's been a few months since Logan has met the three 'monsters' he got use to them and would always go and visit them. He learned that Virgil was the missing boy everyone was talking about over the summer and that he forgot about his past life. Patton was bit when he was 26. And Roman was turned by his dad, who was a witch.

They all got closer and Logan would bring stuff from his house that Virgil would learn about and Roman and Patton would be all nostalgic about it. Eventually they all got close enough to go to Logan's house. To not be spotted, Patton would hide his fangs and blame lack of sun on his pale sling, Roman would hide his extra hair with a hoodie and baggy jeans and Virgil would just disappear.

Every Halloween, they would have sleep overs and eventually they ended up 'moving in'.

The Fucking End


happy halloween asshole

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