Mundane - Prinxiety

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TW: nothing i can think of, idk lmao

Virgil's life wasn't the most exciting. It wasn't exciting at all, actually. He worked as a tattoo artist, you would think exciting things happen to him all the time. But it's quite the opposite.

Virgil Sanders, the tall, slim and grumpy emo kid who refuses to speak to anyone he doesn't know well. Who's too anxious to go and do anything with his life.

He had a schedule, a routine. Get up, get ready, work, visit friends, go home, sleep. Simple. Get up, get ready, work, visit friends, go home, sleep.

Over and over, every day. Nothing new, nothing weird. Just a normal, mundane day.

Or so he thought.

Feeling a cold shiver run up his spine, Virgil didn't think much of it as it was October.

Then, he felt a hand touch his arm. It was barely there, but he felt it. Turning around, Virgil saw nobody. Just the street lamp lighting up the road.

He sighed and continued walking, suddenly hyper aware of everything around him.

"Hey handsome."

The emo whipped around, again met with nothing but the light. "What in the hell?" he whispered to himself.

Chuckling, the voice spoke once again. "I need you to do something for me."

Virgil desperately tried to find the voices owner, turning in a circle.

Finally, as if the voice was annoyed, it showed itself. A transparent, flouting figure appeared in front of him, causing the human to gasp in surprise. The figure had ghost white hair, it's lips messily smeared by blood red lipstick and its eyes a hazel brown. A bright red sash went across its chest, it's outfit being white and gold.

"Now, about that thing I need you to do."

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