Lets Discuss

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•anywho, the end card was interesting. Deceit and Virgil clearly had beef and shit. But, consider the fact that Deceit can pop up into Virgils room without "having permission". He wasn't in Virgils room long enough to see if he's affected. But i don't think he would be, considering he's known as a dark side. But, i've always had the feeling that Virgil was a dark side, Until he was accepted and got a seat at the discussion table. But maybe, just maybe the dark sides want him back. He has become stronger and grew a lot from when he first appeared. "Who knows, maybe soon, you could be rid of us all.." Okay, this HAS to be something! Maybe Deceit was trying to warn Virgil about the dark sides possibly coming and taking over. but that's just a theory. a film theory.

•Alright, moving on to Patton and Virgils relationship. Clearly Virgil is uncomfortable being called things like "cute" and "adorable" and shit. Like Patton said, he feels like everything he does is wrong when speaking/interacting with Virgil. Thomas did help with that, but maybe only for a minute. We don't know what happens behind the screen (even though they aren't real).


•Okay, talking about the video in general. Virgil didn't like being called "a phase". He felt that his past feelings weren't important, that he (in the past) wasn't important. But by scaring the others, he's doing his job, once again becoming that scary, evil, dark clothed headache. it's very subtle but i felt it.

•So, Roman feeling insecure and drained has been going on for a while. When Thomas was in his cosplay phase, Roman felt insecure and tired when he went to cons. Everyone else's costumes were better and more detailed. And theirs were just...theirs. So, he gave up. Which could have possibly brought us to the emo (virgil) phase. This could have been when Virgil became a bit stronger than he was. Making Thomas feel anxiety.


•Virgil and Deceit would make AMAZING brothers. bet.

and that's all i really have to say. you can theorize if you want. tell me what you think ig. anywho, ima go. bye.

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happy bitch year

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