Grey - Patton-Centric

476 15 4

TW: Mentions of Murder and Stealing, Talk of Right and Wrong

i'm on the toilet and it's really steamy in here. i should probably get in the shower lmao

Patton understood one thing. Being a good person led to good things. He understood that a bad person is looked down upon, punished in some cases.

But what was the definition of a "bad person"? Somebody who steals? Somebody who committed murder?

Sure, these are bad things, but consider the reason behind them. A person steals for personal gain, but is that personal gain what they need to survive? Perhaps the gain was for someone else. A small child maybe.

Patton knew he had messed up. He smothered Thomas and then he did the complete opposite. So what was the right answer here? He didn't know.

Where was the grey area?

He didn't know that either.

But what Patton did know, was that he was morality. He was good and bad. Therefore, he had the task of making Thomas the best person he could possibly be.

But is that even possible? Morality sometimes has grey areas that are needed. Sometimes those grey areas are not meant to be pushed to right and wrong, good and bad.

That's why it's grey. In between black and white.

Patton sighed into the silent room. He was confused. Was he or was he not doing a good job? Was Thomas a good or bad person?

Was his morals in check?

If it were Logan or Janus, he would have said that nobody's morals are truly in check. Nobody truly knows what is right and what is wrong.

But Patton is Patton and Logan is Logan while Janus is Janus.

But, the emotional side supposed there was no point in dwelling on it. He would just make himself even more confused than he is.

He needs to check on Roman anyway.

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