Hey Moon - (Analogical)

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@BookAceMarie thanks for the request!

Triggers: Mentions of Suicide, Mentions of Depression/Anxiety, Swearing, me

"Hey Moon. I just wanted to rant. Sorry if I'm bothering you" Virgil started, tears mixed with eyeshadow covering his cheeks, "Ugh..even the moon hates me. Anyways, today wasn't..the best. Thomas was frustrated with me. I wouldn't listen! I just..I don't know! I wanted to do as told but, I didn't want them seeing me. Well, the real me. Patton asked me if I was okay, I said yeah. I lied, Moon. I lied to the only friend I have! I don't deserve him. Roman was being, Roman. He called me Disorder, Stupid, Worthless. I made him mad," more tears began to spill as he thought of the previous events that had happened.

"I know he didn't mean them and he would never say those things but...I can't help but feel pain, you know? Maybe if I disappeared people would love me," Virgil smiled to himself, thinking of what it would be like to be in complete silence and darkness, "Peaceful. Logan, he was the o my one who actually gave a fuck about me, besides Patton. He told me to meet him in his room later tonight. I hope it's nothing bad. I don't recall doing anything bad. Can you help me? Just...take me up there. Take me away from here. Let me be with you!"

Virgil waited for a response, but got nothing. Silent tears were running down his cheeks as he looked at the big, bright moon. Virgil sighed and closed his balcony doors, he wiped his tears away, applied more eyeshadow and made his way to the logical traits room.

He knocked once, indicating it was him. "Come in!" Logan yelled from the other side. Virgil opened the door and stepped in, having a boring look on his face. Logan was his 'neighbor' with Patton on the other side of him. Roman was next to Patton and Deceit was over by Logan. Virgil lightly closed the door.

"You needed me?"

"Yes. I do," Logan motioned for Virgil to sit next to him on his bed. "You talk to the moon?"

Virgil instantly froze, anxiety taking its part in this, running through his blood, making his mind go through ever scenario possible.

Logan noticed this, "Calm down Virge. It's not bad. I do sometimes as well," He admitted. "Y-You do?" The dark male asked, confused yet happy. "Yes. It is quite comforting."

"But, the things you talk about. I can hear them. The walls aren't so thick you know. If you leave...we wouldn't be functional. Thomas would be a lazy bum, Roman would go out of control, Patton would be overly happy, Deceit would keep lying to himself and Thomas, and I would be too logical. You make us..us. I know, it's a cheesy thing to say, but it's true. Without you, Thomas wouldn't survive. Roman says things, yes, but he doesn't mean them and you can't let that get to you. Patton cares about you and Deceit may not show it..but he cares as well and I..." Logan took a deep breath, preparing himself for his confession while Virgil was taking in everything he is saying.

"I actually..l-like you. As in, romantically. So, if you disappeared, I wouldn't be okay. I'd be hurt and...I would possibly disappear as well," Logan finished, looking away from Virgil and staring at nothing. Virgil looked at Logan, took his hand in his and said

"I like you too.."

I have GOT to stop ending these things like this! It's getting O L D.

I hope it was okay.

I honestly can do better!



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