You Did This - Logicality

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TW: Fighting of the blue gay queens, Swearing, Crying, uhhh, it end happy

"You're the one who decided to fucking get drunk!" Patton swore, glaring at the man in front of him. "Well maybe you should take a break from Virgil and go out sometime! Roman is capable of caring for him! I need attention too!" Logan whisper yelled back, making sure not to wake their child.

"That doesn't give you the right to go out and fuck some other person! Did they even know you were married?! Well, did they?!" Patton rose his voice. He was angry, beyond angry to be honest.

Logan stayed silent, glaring at the floor, tears beginning to form in his eyes. "Oh my god. They didn't know, did they? You asshole! We have a fucking family! The least you can do, is keep the fucking ring on!" Patron shouted, not giving a care in the world.

They both heard little footsteps run to their room. the knob turned and the door opened, showing a little Virgil. "What is Mama and Papa doing?" He asked, innocence shining in his eyes. Patton went over to pick him up, "Just talking, Kiddo! Where's Roman?"

"Ro-Ro boring."

Patton chuckled, giving the little boy a hug. He rocked the child back and forth, waiting for him to fall asleep. When he did, Patton looked at Logan, who was also crying. "I made a mistake, and I'm sorry..." Logan apologized, staring at his little boy.

Patton stoped towards Logan, Resting on his chest, Virgil in the middle. Logan wrapped his arms around the two, the family swaying.

"I don't forgive you. But, I still love you," Patton whispered.

"I don't expect you to forgive me. I love you both more than anyone in this world."

Patton smiles at that and kisses the top of Virgil's head, they'll get through this. It'll take a while, but they'll get through this.

For their family.

ew, that ending though


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