Caught - Mainly Logince/Moxiety

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TW: Cheating, Yelling, Physical Fighting, Crying, my pp big guys

Thank you for the request satansxcoffexhouse !

sorry it's short and disappointing, not what you wanted. but i did my best :/ love you.

It wasn't meant to turn out as it had. punches were thrown, yelling occurred. It was like a hell fest in one small room.

Roman yelled at the darker side, tears falling from his eyes as he got out his emotions. He took in a deep angry breath, clenching his jaw and punching Virgil across the face. Logan and Patton gasped, "Roman!"

"How could you just... Just do that to me?! So easily?!"

Virgil didn't respond, glaring at the ground.

The logical side kept quite, shame taking over his mind and body.

Patton kept his emotions at bay, doing his best to calm his friends down so they could possibly work things out.

But we all know they were way past that.

"I trusted both of you! I trusted you guys and what do I get in return?! My boyfriend fucking my best friend?!" the fanciful side screamed, his hands shaking.


"No. No, i'm done. I'm fucking done."

The red sash wearing trait stormed out if the room, his door slamming shut.

Virgil looked up, looking at Patton. "Pat..?"

The man in question didn't look at him. "I'll go check on him." he mumbled, also leaving the room and quietly shutting the four behind him.

Virgil sighed shakily, raking a hand through his hair. "Fuck..."

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