Skip - Logan-Centric

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TW: Mentions of Being Talked Over, Crying, Giving Up, Bruising, Pacing

to make up for the a/n last chapter, have this

and no, the ending is NOT SUICIDE

Ignorant. Skip.

Ignorant. Skip.

Ignorant. Skip.

Ignorant. Skip.

It seemed to be the only words Logan could comprehend. Locked in his room and bruised on his neck, the tie wearing side paced.

Surely they just needed time to end the video. Yes, it was a time issue. Correct?

But the video ended up being long anyway.

He would be lying if he said he didn't understand why they decided to press such buttons. He had been rambling. Get to the point, Logan.

He had accepted the fact that people tend to talk over him. No big deal, he would just listen and insert his input after.

But to be forced out of the conversation entirely?

To be, quite literally, skipped and ignored?

It was extremely painful.

Logan's pacing only grew quicker, his eyebrows furrowed and his thoughts getting louder with each step he took.

Nobody had denied the fact that they didn't enjoy his company when he stated the opposite. Which only seemed to confirm his suspicions further.

And to be impersonated without anybody noticing? Twice?

They say they care, that they listen.

They don't.

They never did.

Angrily wiping his wet eyes, the logical side sniffled. He would be fine. He would just give the others what they are wishing for and hope it will be enough. He was tired. They seemed to have already replaced him anyway.

He couldn't do it anymore.

Ignorant. Skip.

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