Wake Up - Sleepxiety

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TW: Swearing

not enough sleepxiety in this fandom assholes

It was a normal morning, despite the fact that Remy, or Sleep, decided to visit and stay for the weekend. Virgil and Remy haven't met yet, so the others were excited for Virgil to finally wake up. He's usually the last one up, mainly because his sleep schedule is like a teenagers school locker.

"I'm sure he'll be awake soon." Logan spoke up, everyone had finished their breakfast and were now waiting. "So, is he, like, cute? Hot? Adorable?" Remy asked Roman.

"He's a literal demon."

"Correct." A voice from the staircase said. Everyone turned towards the voice and there, standing on the second step, was Virgil. Hair nappy and messy, Voice groggy and posture horrible. But Remy thought he was cute.

"You look like you died," Roman said to him while he was walking past. "Who says I didn't?"

"Emo asshole"

"Egotistical prick"

Remy chuckled at the names while Patton scolded the two. "Oh! Remy, this is Virgil, Virgil this is Remy!" Patton introduced them both. Virgil gave a lazy two fingered salute with a small "hey". Remy responded with a small smile and a peace sign.

Remy would admit that he was adorable. Virgil would admit that Remy was also adorable. Disaster gays.

"Roman. Did you eat my fucking oreos?" Virgil snapped. Roman looked at him with a bored expression. "Yeah, whatcha gonna do about it?"

Virgil immediately chased after the prince like side, Roman running away.

First impressions should always be good, they say.

ew, wtf is that ending?!

um, so, sleepxiety is life and we need more of it.

i'll probably make a continuation of this? idk yet.

it's almost 3 am, take this piece of crap and burn it.

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