Dollar - Royality

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TW: a dollar lol what?
I got this idea from tumblr so...yeah.
Featuring Logan, Virgil and Remy btw.

"Come on!~ I just want some Cheetos!" Patton said, his face pressed against the glass of the machine. "Just, move. If you move, you won't be stuck anymore! Please?!" He begged, desperate for some Cheetos.

Roman then waked into the vending machine room thing (what?) and went to the machine that contained Hot Cheetos. He pulled out a dollar and got his bag with no delay. He looked over at Patton, who was still staring at the bag of chips and smiled. How cute.

"Need a hand?"

Patton looked over at Roman and quickly nodded. He was going to get his Cheetos no matter what. Roman walked over and put in another dollar, he put in the number for Cheetos and down came the first bag and the second bag. Patton was so happy.

Roman looked down at the smiling boy. God he was adorable! Roman smiles and asked the boy for his number. Patton gave it to him and said his thanks.

"Thanks for the help. I would pay you back for that dollar, but I spent it on this bag." He said, lifting the first bag.

"No, it's quite alright! Seeing your smile was worth it." Roman winked and smirked.

"Roman! We don't have all day! Come. On!" Someone with a purple jacket said, leaning on the wall by the corner.

"Virgil is right, we're late!" A guy with a necktie said, pointing at his watch. Roman rolled his eyes, "Y'all can wait! Besides, I just met someone quite adorable. Remy can wait."

Virgil rolled his eyes and groaned," We're serious Roman! Remy doesnt know how to wait!"

"Fine, fine!" Roman turned his head back to Patton, who was staring at Roman, basically drooling, "I'll call you sometime."

And with that, him and his friends walked off, Virgil elbowing him in the arm and Logan telling him off. Patton smiled and ate his Cheetos at home. Thinking of Roman.

He knew he had a crush.

Welp, this was shit. Sorry.



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