Mute (Brendon Urie) Part 2

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4 months later

"Hey, (Y/N)! Talk to me!" Brendon calls over as he makes his way over to my tree. I go to respond, but my voice catches in my throat. I press my lips together. I wish I could talk to him. I really wish I could say something to him. I thought I was comfortable enough around him, but apparently I'm not. I stick to swinging down from the branch I'm sitting on, hanging upside down from my legs. I open my mouth, feigning surprise. He smiles at me. I go to write in my notebook, but drop the pencil. Brendon picks it up for me, and I write, still upside down.

How ya doing, fuck boy?

He rolls his eyes at the comment, after I hand the notebook over.

"Good. Why are you upside down today?" I shrug, putting the pencil between my teeth, holding onto the branch with my hands and swinging down. "Okay, so, I was thinking," he holds my waist gently, "we could go to this amazing place, for a small get together tonight? Just with the few people you've already met, but like, all at once?" He takes the pencil from between my teeth and puts it behind my ear. I press my lips together, thinking. He looks at me expectantly. I nod finally. He breathes out in relief. "Okay. Good, alright." He kisses my forehead. "It's gonna be over at Josh's place, with Tyler and his wife, and Debby, and her friend Sarah." I nod. He tilts my chin up.

"Why am I agreeing to this?" I think to myself.

"Hey, it'll be fine, darling. I know you can do it, but you can just tell me when you want to go home." I nod, nervously. "Okay. Promise me you'll tell me when you want to go home?" I nod. He pecks my lips and I blush. "Alrighty. What were you working on today?" I reach up, and hand him my sketch book, showing him the drawing I was copying off of one I found of him on google. "Hey, it's me! It looks amazing! Do you wanna go back up there?" He gestured at the branch. I nod. "Here, I'll help." He lifts me up easily, placing me on the branch. I let out a silent giggle, my shoulders shaking. He smiles up at me, hopping up as well.


"-then Tyler texts me in the middle of the night asking if we can go to Taco Bell!" Josh exclaims. I bite my lip, breathing hard. I wanna go home, but Brendon look like he's having fun. I don't want to take him away from his friends. "So, naturally I got up, put on clothes and walked outside to see his car sitting on the curb. At 2am, we went and got chalupas and nachos." Brendon laughs, putting a hand on my knee. I jump. He looks over, concerned.

"You okay?" He whispers. I shrug. I sign, been better. He furrows his eyebrows, worried. I've taught him basic phrases in sign, so I don't have to write everything. "Do you want me to take you home?" I shake my head. "Are you sure?" I scribble my response on my pad of paper.

Yeah. I'll be fine, babe.

"Okay. Just tell me when you're ready to leave." I nod and he kisses my cheek. I give him a weak smile and he turns back to the conversation. His hand rests on my knee, his fingers rubbing soothing circles. My heart isn't slowing down, my palms are starting to sweat. My mind is racing through everything all at once. After about 10 minutes of the conversations continuing, I stand up suddenly, and everything goes quiet. I sign, I'm sorry, before running out. I hear Brendon run after me. I run blindly, before ducking out over by the park. I sprint to my tree. Collapsing against the trunk, I realize I left my entire bag back at Josh's, along with my pad of paper and my pen. My bag has my sketch book, and my phone. I can't call anyone. I hear Brendon shouting for me. I breathe harder, panicking.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N), where did you go? Are you alright?" He calls into the night. My heart is screaming for me to answer, but my mind is shouting to not. My mind wins and I sit silently, my anxiety getting the best of me. I put my head in my hands, tears rolling down my cheeks. I'm embarrassed that I left. They're all probably thinking,

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