Apparent "Betrayal" (Josh and Tyler)

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The bus hits a bump, and I smack my head off of the bunk. I hear my older brother groan above me. I groan in pain, clutching my forehead. I roll my eyes, getting out of the bunk. I hear someone open their curtain.

"Dunny?" Tyler asks. I just wave slowly, grabbing an ice pack from the freezer. I press it against my forehead as Tyler slides out of his bunk as well. "What happened Junior Dun?"

"(Y/N)." I correct softly, smiling to myself.

"You know you love it." I just shake my head.

"Whatever. You have an acoustic show in the morning, you should be sleeping."

"Nah. Are you alright?"

"Hit my head. Kinda hurts." The bus stops suddenly, and I almost fall. Tyler's hands fumble for something to steady me. One of them wrap around my waist, the other gripping the back of the bench seat at the table. I'm pulled right close to him, our noses almost touching. "Shit." The bus starts again, and I pull away from Tyler, my cheeks red in embarrassment.

"Sorry about that. I didn't want you to just fall, you know?" I nod.

"Thanks for catching me. Now get to bed. You have a show in the morning." I push him, giggling.

"Don't hit your head again, Dunshine." He jokes.

"Fuck you, Tyjo." I flip him off. I hear him laugh as I sit on the couch.


As my older brother and Tyler step off the small stage, smiling wide. The crowd wasn't big, just about 50 people, but they look so happy, that I'm so happy for them. Josh scoops me up in a hug.

"You guys sounded great!" I cheer into his ear. He puts me down.


"Really really! You're getting so good, Joshua!" Josh lets out a yell in excitement, running off to go talk to his girlfriend, Debby. I turn to Tyler, smiling. He puts down his uke, and hugs me tightly. "And you too! Dude, you sounded amazing up there!" He giggles. I back away, grinning. "I'm so proud of you two, it's crazy." A security member bumps into me and I stumble into Tyler. His hands steady my waist, and I put mine on his shoulders. I just laugh it off and hug him again.

"You really are proud of us?" He asks, unsure.

"Of course. Josh is my older brother and I'd be proud of him no matter what, and you are like, my best friend!" I feel him stiffen, before he backs up.

"You're one of my best friends too, Dunny. I, uhh got to go. There are fans to see."

"Go get 'em Joseph." I encourage. I turn around, my eyes following him as he leaves. I see Josh standing, looking pissed as he stands near the tent entrance. "You good, big brother?" He shrugs, not saying anything and just walking away. I look at Debby confused. "What's his problem?"

"I have no idea."


"Hey, (Y/N)! Come on, the shows about to start!" Tyler shouts into the bus.

"Coming, Joseph!" I hop off the couch, rushing over to the door. I see him standing at the base of the stairs. I walk down, tripping on the last step, and he catches me, his hands on my hips.

"You really need to find balance, Dunshine." He teases. I roll my eyes. We start walking toward the venue.

"Please stop calling me that."

"You know you love it." He repeats his words from last night.

"At least pick one nickname, instead of switching between like, what? Five? Six?" He holds the door open for me. "Thanks."

"Let's see; Dunshine, Dunny, Junior Dun, (nickname), small one, and Dun. Yeah, six."

"Well pick one, Josepha." I joke.

"Hmm." He thinks for a bit as we walk down the long hallway with dressing rooms on either sides. I roll my eyes again. I see Josh at the end of the hallway, spinning his drumsticks nervously. I wave. "I think I'll stick with Dunshine." He decides.

"What do you call my brother?" I ask, laughs making their way into my voice.

"Jishwa, and Josh mostly."

"Fair enough. Hey brother! Where's Debby?"

"Already up there. Tyler, come on." He says, sounding bitter. I frown.

"Josh, is everything alright?"

"Just perfect. See you after the show." He starts walking away. I pass it off as preshow nerves. I glance at the singer. Tyler shrugs.


I toss in my bunk, not able to sleep.

"Stop moving so much, Dunshine." I hear Tyler mutter.

"You can't sleep either?" I ask.


"Wanna watch a movie or just talk?"

"I'd be down to watch some 2012."

"Then let's do it. I'm not gonna be able to sleep for a while." I launch myself out of my bunk and head to the couch.


The next morning, I wake up to the feeling I'm being watched. I feel an arm around my shoulders. My head on someone else's arm.

"(Y/N).  (Y/N) wake up." I hear my brother say, sounding angry. I blink my eyes open. I see Tyler asleep next to me.

"What's going on?" I ask stupidly. I suddenly remember late last night, when Tyler and I watched a few movies, both of us unable to sleep.

"I need to speak to you and my friend." I smack Tyler in the chest. He bolts awake. I hear him breathe in deeply. He runs his hand over his face, shaking his head.

"Tyler." I mumble. "Josh wants to talk to us."

"Mkay, Josh-"

"Are you two dating, or screwing?" Josh interrupts. I'm wide awake now. "Because if you are, Tyler, man we talked about this!"

"Josh, it isn't like that." I start.

"'It isn't like that'? What do you mean, 'it isn't like that? What is it like? And I swear to god, if you are having sex, I'm going to kill you Ty. That would be a huge betrayal, because we promised we wouldn't date each other's siblings, and you could-"

"We aren't having sex! We aren't dating! We're friends, Joshua!" I cut him off. "Why would you think we're dating?"

"You- umm- pictures, and the way you act around each other, and the way you call her Dunshine, and just- I'm sorry." He finishes.

"I call her Dunshine because of a joke we made a few months back. You know, when she dyed her hair yellow?" Tyler asks. Josh nods. "I made a joke that she looked like literal rays of sunshine had embedded themselves in her hair. You know, because it was so bright."

"Then I made the pun with our last name and said that it was literal rays of 'Dunshine'. Also, the way we act is the way you and him act, just a little more, because we wouldn't be called homosexual by the press."

"I mean, technically we could, but they'd be wrong." I glare at Ty playfully.

"Well, why were you two all cuddly on the couch right before this?"

"We couldn't sleep, so we watched a few movies last night, and fell asleep. Nothing we haven't done, Dunny." My brother blushes a little.

"Yeah, big bro. Don't sweat it."

"Okay, but I swear Tyler. You go after my little sis, I'm kicking you out of the band."

"I'll kick you out first." Tyler jokes, giggling.

"None of you are out of the band. You have a concert tonight." Debby interrupts. I chuckle, waving. "Morning (Y/N)."

"Morning Debby."

"Don't betray me Tyjo."

"I wouldn't dare."

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