Thanks For Helping Me (Brendon Urie)

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(A/N), I might have accidentally typed Brendong, instead of Brendon. Both love and hate my life because of that.

I sit at the bar after getting ditched by my friends. I've had two guys come up to me, asking me to dance, and overall harassing me. I politely said no, and then proceeded to ignore them after when they started talking again.

"Hey, pretty. Why are you all by yourself over here?" Make that three guys.

"I'm waiting for my friends and my boyfriend to come back from the bathroom." I lie halfheartedly. I look over and see a tallish blond, in a dress shirt and jeans, smiling creepily at me.

"Why don't you come dance with me and my friend over there while you wait."

"I'm alright, thanks. I'm sure there are others who would love to dance with you though, so why don't you go check with someone else?" 

"Nah. I'd rather dance with you. After all, your ass looks great sitting on that stool, and I'd love to see what it looks like standing up." I sigh, ignoring him. I see a dark haired guy with a big forehead look over, glaring. I look away. "Hey, beautiful, answer me." His hand reaches around my back, his hand brushing my waist.

"I said no, before, please leave." I push his reaching arm lightly away. It shifts back, moving lower.

"Just come on! I'll stop talking to you after." He argues. I shake my head. His hand gropes my ass. I yelp, slapping his hand.

"Hey, babe, you alright?" An unfamiliar voice asks, coming up beside us. I see the forehead guy smiling politely at me. His eyes are furious though. "Who's this?" He glares at the blond.

"I don't know." I admit, shrinking back in my seat.

"Well, maybe he could fuck off, and leave my girlfriend alone!" He says loudly. The blond just shakes his head, scoffing before walking away. The dark haired guy turns back toward me. His eyes are softer now. "I'm sorry about that, but that's been, what, the second guy to come up to you and bother you?" I have to admit, he's really cute.


"Well, sorry. I didn't mean to be watching, but I just have been hearing you repeatedly tell guys to kindly fuck off, and that last guy was very persistent." I nod. "When he grabbed you, I figured it was time to step in."

"Thank you, but-"

"Oh, I'm Brendon." He sticks out his hand. I shake it quickly.

"(Y/N). Nice to meet you. I'm sorry, but my friends are back-"

"Oh, sorry. I'm really sorry again to bother you, but I figured it would be better to help. Guys don't seem to understand when a lady says no, but they respect another guy's claim on the lady. It's fucking ridiculous."

"Yep. Thanks again Brendon, but I have to go now." I get off my stool and grip my small clutch tighter. I quickly move into the sea of bodies, looking to find my friends.


I sigh, sitting at the bar again. My friends left without grabbing me first, and I tried hailing a cab for about 20 minutes before I gave up and came back inside. I'm drinking some coffee they made me. Most everyone has left, except a handful of people and the bartenders. I see someone sit next to me. I look out of the corner of my eye and see the guy from before.

"Brendon, right?" I ask, taking a sip of coffee.

"Yeah. Where's your friends?" He sounds concerned.

"Left without me. I tried getting a cab, but none would take me."

"That sucks." I fiddle with the mug, before downing the last little bit.

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