Fear (Brendon Urie)

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This is my first request, from @brxannalucxa  Enjoy! Sorry it's late by the way. I've been super busy with school.

"Hey, Brianna!" Brendon shouts. I roll my eyes at my best friend, Jessie, and she smiles. My heart does a little flip at the motion.

"What, Brendon?" I yell back. He bounds into my room, and gives me that stupidly adorable grin of his.

"I wanna do something, and Kenny, and Dan are having a wife day, and Sarah's visiting family." He pouts.

"And what would like us to do about that?" Jess sasses. I giggle.

"You can entertain me?" He suggests, raising an eyebrow.

"Why would we want to do that?"

"Because your my sister, and you love me."

"I mean, it wouldn't be terrible." Jessie interrupts. My cheeks go a bit red as I clench my teeth. One of my teeth throb quickly before I relax a little.

"Fine. What shall we do to you? I mean, with you." I say jokingly, going along with Jess.

"I mean, we were about to do our hair and makeup. Brendon, would you care to let us do yours?" I snort a little at her question. Like Brendon would ever let us. He gives her an easy smile, before nodding. She giggles. My chest flares up in jealousy before settling.

"Alright. Let's start. Brenny, sit your ass down and down move!"


Brendon and Jessie's makeup and hair are done in curls, and their makeup is looking like a drag queens. It's awesome. I'm currently sitting in the chair while Jess's works on my hair, and Brendon is focussing on doing my foundation. He presses down on the spot outside where my tooth hurts. I flinch away on instinct, guarding it with my tongue.

"Hey, you okay?" My brother asks, looking me in the eye. I nod, not wanting to tell him. He holds my jaw, forcing me to make eye contact with him. "Are you sure?" I nod again. "Alrighty. Just tell me if you aren't." He finishes off my foundation, then moves on to blush. Again, when he does my cheeks, I flinch away.

"Alright, Brianna, if you don't hold still, you're going to burn your scalp. What's wrong, babe?" My heart flips when Jess says 'babe'.

"Nothing!" I insist.

"No, it's not nothing. Every time I press on this part," Bren taps where my tooth is throbbing, "of her cheek, she flinches. Either it's your cheek, or your tooth, and I don't see anything wrong with your cheek." He glares a little at me.

"Fine, whatever. I chipped a part of my tooth back there a few days ago when you kicked the soccer ball and hit me in the face." I admit. "It's been kind of raw and open for the last few days. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you guys to worry." That last part's a lie. I didn't want to tell them because I knew they'd take me to the dentist, and I'm terrified to go.

"And you didn't tell me?"

"Hey, or me! Bri, come on, we tell each other everything." Jessie complains, doing puppy eyes next to my brother. I feel my heart beat harder and internally tell it to calm down.

"Alright, you know what we're gonna do? We're gonna take all of this off," Jessie gestures at her face, "and then take you to the dentist, because your mouth needs to be fixed." She rubs her thumb over my bottom lip, before getting up and grabbing the makeup remover wipes. My heart pounds hard at the thought, and I feel an anxiety attack coming on.

"No! It's fine, it's not even hurting that bad!" I argue softly, knowing it's not going to help.

"No, we are going to get it checked out. It's not an argument, it's me telling you, as your big brother." Jessie starts carefully cleaning my face while Brendon hands me another wipe. "Help me out with mine, would you?" I nod, gulping hard. I clean his face with shaking hands, which I hope he doesn't, but he totally does notice. Once the two of us are clean of any makeup, we start getting ready to leave, me moving really slowly.


We wait in the waiting room while waiting for our turn. My heart pounds anxiously while sitting there. My leg bounces, and my fingers tap harshly against the other leg. Brendon at one point grabs my hand, stopping my movements.

"Jess, do me a favour, and come outside to grab us when they call for Brianna." Jess nods, and continues looking at her phone. Brendon drags me outside, grabbing my shoulders.

"Okay, what is wrong with you right now?" He asks bluntly. I avoid his worried gaze.

"Nothing. I just have a lot on-"

"No. You're scared of something. You are literally giving off that huge anxious vibe right now. Tell me right now, what is wrong?" He demands. I hang my head, knowing I'm going to have to tell him.

"I'm afraid of the dentist." I say quietly. I see Brendon's eyes squint slightly.

"Okay! That's alright. Hey, look at me." I look up shyly. "If you're afraid something'll happen to you, nothing will. I won't let that happen. I'll be there, and so will Jess. I know what she means to you, and what you mean to her. She won't let anything happen either."


"Alright, Miss Urie, What we have to do, the chip in your tooth actually goes below the gums, so we're going to have to do a short surgery." I grip Brendon's hand hard, breathing harder. "It will take approximately 20 minutes, to go in, repair the tooth, get the gel to set, then fix the gums. We'll put you on laughing gas, and numb the area so you won't feel a thing." I look at Brendon, and he nods.

"I guess so." I say softly, and with hesitation.

"Lovely. We'll start as soon as possible."


After the surgery, my head is fuzzy, and my filter seems to have gone away. I'm saying the first thing to come to mind as the three of us sit in the car on the way home.

"My mouf feels like there's fousand of fuckin sheep in my head." I say around the bandages. Brendon snorts, and Jess giggles. I turn around and smile as best as I can.

"Jeth?" I ask. She hums, looking at me with those beautiful eyes. "I fuckin love you. Like, really love you." She smiles and nods in understanding.

"I know. I love you too, but you probably won't remember this, so it doesn't matter." She pecks my lips before turning back to her phone. I turn back around and flip back in my seat.

"I'll remember thif. You juft wath." I mutter, glaring out the front window. Brendon giggles, putting a hand on my shoulder and shaking it a little. I giggle with him, leaning my head against the window.

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